Asiajin’s 1st Anniversary

Our official launch date, when Arai and I announced Asiajin’s existence to the world, was December 12th, 2007. Yes, we have reached our first anniversary!
Since the launch, we have welcomed many contributors – writers, proofreaders, advisors, commenters and of course, our great readers.
I must give special thanks to Arai, and to Serkan Toto, who worked intensively and wrote great articles and is now a member of Asiajin’s core team. Without them I could not have continued making Asiajin as active as it currently is.
Also, great thanks to the authors team, Hiroumi Mitani, Wataru Yamaki, Masaru Ikeda and Park Minchul; our proofreaders, Sean O’Hagan and Andrew Shuttleworth; and Motohiko Tokuriki as blog advisor.
From the November statistics, slightly more than 70% of our readers come from outside of Japan, and 86% are non-Japanese readers (because of non-Japanese readers in Japan). We have been getting over 2,400 RSS subscribers.
We have made 233 posts so far. The 3 most popular articles are:

Other popular categories are Niconico Douga, Japanese cellphones (in comparison to the iPhone), and QR Codes (2D barcodes).
Some unique Japanese services and products were first discovered by overseas readers because of our articles, which makes me very proud, as that was our original intention when we started this English blog, even with our not-so-great command of English.
Let me say thank you again to our loyal readers and we promise in our second year to keep working on interesting topics in and around Japan and the Asian IT industry.


  1. Congrats! Keep moving forward, the site gets better and better! Its a must read for me!

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