Sumitomo To Export Online Pharmacy Soukai Drug To China And Indonesia

Sumitomo Corporation announced on March 7 that their online pharmacy Soukai Drug (soukai = briskness in Japanese) is going to expand into China and Indonesia this year. Their Shanghai and Jakarta subsidiaries are already set up. Trial in Shanghai is planned to begin in late April, Jakarta service will start in late August.

Report Of Asiajin Shanghai Meetup

This is a report of Asiajin Shanghai Meetup which was held on July 24th. The meetup was held at Sunstyle showroom in Shanghai Sculpture Space. Thank you so much to Gang Lu and George Godula for securing a venue. More than 20 people have gathered to the event on this very hot day in Shanghai. Five… Continue reading Report Of Asiajin Shanghai Meetup

Asiajin Shanghai Meetup Held On 24th

We will hold the first meetup in Shanghai this weekend. On July 24th (Saturday), Asiajin Shanghai meetup will be hosted to bridge startup communities of China and Japan. Two industry experts from Japan will talk about the Japanese startup industry and his own startup experience. We also plan to have a time to discuss and… Continue reading Asiajin Shanghai Meetup Held On 24th

Report of RubyConf China 2009

May 21st, the father of Ruby, Yukihiro Matsumoto aka Matz, visited Shanghai to attend RubyConf China 2009, the first large Ruby conference in China. The conference was an astonishing success. 450 people attended the event. All talks except keynote were given in Chinese. Matz gave a keynote which reveals design concept and characteristics of the… Continue reading Report of RubyConf China 2009

Mixi will set up China subsidiary

Japanese Social Network Giant, Mixi Inc. announced that they will establish a 100% subsidiary in Shanghai, China, to enter the Chinese market this April or May 2008. Most of Mixi’s revenues now come from its social network service for the PC and cellular phones. Mixi says they think China is promising because of the increase… Continue reading Mixi will set up China subsidiary