Startup Saturday 2010: Asian Start-up Entrepreneurs Meet Together In HK (2/2)

Continued from Startup Saturday 2010: Asian Start-up Entrepreneurs Meet Together In HK (1/2) Startup Showcase Round 2: Nanbeijie (南北街)  is an entertainment focused social shopping company that transforms online shopping into a social gaming experience. Utilising social gaming, virtual currencies and merging it with entertaining shopping games to create a new experience in the… Continue reading Startup Saturday 2010: Asian Start-up Entrepreneurs Meet Together In HK (2/2)

Gree And DeNA Competition Heats Up: Both Announce Cash Rewards To New Employees

DeNA, who runs Mobage Town, one of Japan’s most successful social networks, sparked a hiring war yesterday to post their new incentive reward [J]. On the announcement, DeNA tells they will pay extra 2 million yen($23,400) besides annual salary to newly hired engineers who directly applied via their website and is approved between August 15th… Continue reading Gree And DeNA Competition Heats Up: Both Announce Cash Rewards To New Employees

Startup Saturday 2010: Asian Start-up Entrepreneurs Meet Together In HK (1/2)

On August 7, at Cyberport in Hong Kong, there was a one-day conference giving Hong Kong and Asian entrepreneurs the opportunities to present their services and discussing the future of tech start-up communities in the region. There are two hubs for incubating tech start-ups in Hong Kong.   One is Cyberport, which is located on the… Continue reading Startup Saturday 2010: Asian Start-up Entrepreneurs Meet Together In HK (1/2)

Report Of Asiajin Shanghai Meetup

This is a report of Asiajin Shanghai Meetup which was held on July 24th. The meetup was held at Sunstyle showroom in Shanghai Sculpture Space. Thank you so much to Gang Lu and George Godula for securing a venue. More than 20 people have gathered to the event on this very hot day in Shanghai. Five… Continue reading Report Of Asiajin Shanghai Meetup

Yahoo Japan Buys Location-Based Mobile Advertising Company Cirius

Something pretty rare happened today in Japan’s web industry: a big Internet company acquired a smaller one. In this case, Yahoo Japan (the nation’s biggest website) snatched up all shares of location-based mobile advertising company Cirius Technologies. Cirius is headquartered in Tokyo and also operates Cirius Technologies, Inc. in San Francisco (more info on the… Continue reading Yahoo Japan Buys Location-Based Mobile Advertising Company Cirius

Categorized as Japan

Twitter Bug Allows You Long Long Tweet (on browser)

[Update] The bug seems to be fixed and now Mashable and TechCrunch reported it (though they could not find the @zakuro563’s first tweet but someone’s long tweet at 3 hours later). Some Japanese Twitter users found a Twitter bug around 140-letters limitation Saturday night (local time. JST). My test reproduced it like this. By the… Continue reading Twitter Bug Allows You Long Long Tweet (on browser)

KDDI Promotes Brand New Products And Collects User-Generated Parody Songs

Japan’s second largest mobile operator KDDI’s au introduced several new lineups for their design-oriented feature phone series last month, and they have been running a promotion campaign collecting user-generated parody songs via Twitter. When you post a set of lyrics consisting of five-seven-five syllables (which has a similar rhythm to Haiku or Senryu) via Twitter… Continue reading KDDI Promotes Brand New Products And Collects User-Generated Parody Songs

What Are Japan’s Top 5 Social Services? Here’s A Quick Overview.

Following yesterday’s news that Japan’s mobile social gaming giant GREE now hit 21.25 million users, our very own Akky Akimoto has done some research and created the graph you can see above for his Japanese blog. And as you can see, in Japan’s “social services” realm, Mixi (“Japan’s Facebook”), GREE and Mobage-town (another huge mobile… Continue reading What Are Japan’s Top 5 Social Services? Here’s A Quick Overview.

BREAKING: GREE’s Financial Report Suggests It’s Japan’s Biggest Social Network Now

Japan’s mobile gaming giant GREE just released [PDF] their financial report for the April-June quarter, and it seems the company is running from one record to the next. Year-on-year, all relevant financial numbers have gone up, as did the number of page views and, more importantly, registered members. Here’s a summary of GREE’s financial report,… Continue reading BREAKING: GREE’s Financial Report Suggests It’s Japan’s Biggest Social Network Now

Twitter Time Signal Bot To Draw Lines On Your Timeline

@kiti_tori (which means “cutting off” in Japanese) is a super simple Twitter bot gives you only one function, drawing time signal on your timeline, made by @okihuran, @icconico and @d3gk. By following this, when you scroll down your Twitter time line, you can easily recognize how old tweets you are seeing back without calculating small… Continue reading Twitter Time Signal Bot To Draw Lines On Your Timeline