iPhone Now Turns To Be Good Tool For Playing On Green

Tokyo-based system integrator developing LBS (location-based service) and GIS (geographic information system) applications Wave On[J] just introduced a convenient iPhone/iPod touch app for golf lovers. This is called Question Yards[E/J] and allows you to measure the approximate distance to the pin on a green that marks the hole by taking a picture having the pin… Continue reading iPhone Now Turns To Be Good Tool For Playing On Green

iPhone Breast Enhancer: Better Than Plastic Surgery To Be Sexy?

Following the company’s stupid iPhone/iPod touch app serial release (like this), Kayac, a funny web app developer based in Tokyo’s suburb, just made something new to make our hard days more cheerful. Tanimania, it is a breast enhancer that enables to make the breast of you or your girlfriend much sexier than ever – but… Continue reading iPhone Breast Enhancer: Better Than Plastic Surgery To Be Sexy?

Photo Speak: Let Your Favorite Portrait Speak And Blink

Motion Portrait, a tech spin-out of Sony Computer Science Laboratories(CSL) and now a subsidiary of So-Net Entertainment, introduced an iPhone app that allows you to animate your favorite picture and let it blink and speak anything you want, Photo Speak today.   Now it’s available at AppStore for JPY350. The app uses the company’s state-of-the-art technology… Continue reading Photo Speak: Let Your Favorite Portrait Speak And Blink

“Koe-tan”, A Free iPhone Voice Search App For Public Transit In Tokyo

Tokyo-based Internet ad agency Traffic Gate[J] and U.K.- and Silicon Valley-based speech recognition technology developer Novauris Technology jointly released an iPhone/iPod touch app allowing you to find the best route on Tokyo’s public transit using your voice, which is named “Koe-Tan” and available for free at AppStore.   If you are holding with bags and an… Continue reading “Koe-tan”, A Free iPhone Voice Search App For Public Transit In Tokyo

New Dating Game Robs Boys Of Loves In Girlfriends

Love Plus[J] is a virtual dating simulation game, which was developed by Konami for Nintendo DS and went on sale at the beginning of this month.   This game title attracts an enormous number of game geeks, especially among the “herbivorous“-typed boys, living around the country, and more than 47,000 packages were sold just in three… Continue reading New Dating Game Robs Boys Of Loves In Girlfriends

Mail Order Giant To Release Wardrobe iPhone App

Osaka-based catalog mail order giant Senshukai[J] is going to introduce an iPhone/iPod app allowing you to check up showcases filled with fashionable clothes.   It is now under Apple’s consideration for upcoming release and will be available at AppStore next week. Senshukai has an experimental website, which is called Bellmaison Lab[J], developing and demonstrating new services… Continue reading Mail Order Giant To Release Wardrobe iPhone App

Report of RubyConf China 2009

May 21st, the father of Ruby, Yukihiro Matsumoto aka Matz, visited Shanghai to attend RubyConf China 2009, the first large Ruby conference in China. The conference was an astonishing success. 450 people attended the event. All talks except keynote were given in Chinese. Matz gave a keynote which reveals design concept and characteristics of the… Continue reading Report of RubyConf China 2009

Be More Punctual And Smarter With NHK

On Thursday, Japan’s public broadcaster NHK released the iPhone/iPod app imitating its originally designed clock which used to be seen by almost all of Japanese people at the beginning of every evening’s news program. (This link will launch your iTunes to download the app.) As Japanese terrestrial TV broadcast switches into digital, broadcasters can no longer… Continue reading Be More Punctual And Smarter With NHK

Tezuka Manga Works Come To Your Palm Every Week

Tokyo-based mobile app developer Yappa started distributing the manga works of Tezuka Osamu, with a content distribution technology that the company also used to develop the Sankei Newspaper’s iPhone/iPod app also uses (I mentioned the app a bit in this article). The company publishes a new issue online every week, and each issue takes a… Continue reading Tezuka Manga Works Come To Your Palm Every Week

Practical Face-tracking for Japanese Gal-Game

If you are male, and when you saw see a girl with ultra-mini skirt on TV, have you ever tried to peek from underneath? I had, in my teenage. 🙂 The rather new technology using webcam is now realizing the boys’ dream on a PC game, Tech48 by Teatime. They combined face-tracking technology, which detects… Continue reading Practical Face-tracking for Japanese Gal-Game