Asiajin Meetup Tokyo #2 Signup

Venue is now fixed at Akihabara. We will have the second Tokyo meetup this Saturday after two years rest. Please check the following link to join the meetup. Or you may apply via e-mail by scanning this QR-Code and send to the gotten e-mail address. [Update] We have sent an e-ticket to all who… Continue reading Asiajin Meetup Tokyo #2 Signup

Asiajin Meetup Tokyo On October 9th

[Update] Registration Begins We had a first readers meetup in February 2008 in Tokyo. This year, our readers meetup travelled to Taipei, Shanghai and will be at Singapore this September 25th. We always wanted to have meetups with our readers but have been concentrating on writing more articles, as there are a lot of English-uncovered… Continue reading Asiajin Meetup Tokyo On October 9th

Hewlett-Packard Japan’s “Maid in Tokyo” Campaign

The world’s No.1 PC vendor Hewlett-Packard(HP)’s Japan branch is running a new campaign “Maid in Tokyo” [J], featuring two girls from Japanese idol unit Aidoringu(made up from “Idle”+”-ing”) in maid costume, to appeal that the HP’s PC are “made in Tokyo”. According to the HP site [J], since 1999 they have been producing PC in… Continue reading Hewlett-Packard Japan’s “Maid in Tokyo” Campaign

Tokyo No Pants Train Ride Calls Police Cordon

By Asahi Shimbun’s report [J], I came to know this Japan version of the famous internet prank had been planned. It is not a subway but a JR Yamate line train, on January 10th Sugamo police department had caught the information that there would be “No Pants Subway Ride” held. They sent 60 police officers… Continue reading Tokyo No Pants Train Ride Calls Police Cordon

Susan Boyle To Sing On Japan’s Most Popular Year End Program

According to Asahi Shimbun [J], NHK, nation’s public broadcasting organization, announced that this year’s most Internet-buzzed singer Susan Boyle will appear in Kohaku Utagassen [J], Japan’s most popular TV program which once 80% of Japanese, still 40% watches on new year’s eve [J]. photo by Deborah Wilbanks from Wikipedia [Update 2010-01-01] NHK put the recorded… Continue reading Susan Boyle To Sing On Japan’s Most Popular Year End Program

Tokyo Hermes Mixed Reality Ad

Japanese A-lister Masaki Ishitani [J] took an interesting video of an installation ad at Hermes Tokyo branch at the most decent shopping area Ginza (location on Google Street View). This is Tokujin Yoshioka‘s work and she is an actress Tae Kimura. See Also: Tokujin Yoshioka’s blog entry on this project [J]

Emoji/Manga Relation Explained Fully

You might have heard about that Gmail and iPhone has added Japan originated emoticon, Emoji, set. You may know that Google has been promoting those “letters” into Unicode standard. Filing those drawings as new letters is, though Chinese letters were made from drawings thousands years ago, not acceptable for all people, some says it is… Continue reading Emoji/Manga Relation Explained Fully

Amazon Japan Starts “The Same Day” Delivery Service

Amazon Japan announced their new premium delivery option “Toujitsu Oisogi Bin”, which is not offered by US Amazon, the same day delivery. Of course, some restrictions are applied. To get the product in the same day, you need to see that the shipment option is selectable on the product page. Firstly, not all products are… Continue reading Amazon Japan Starts “The Same Day” Delivery Service

A Keepsake Picture With Tokyo Gundam Auctioned For Over 1 Million Yen [Update: 2.6 mil Yen]

You might have already seen photos of a “real” sized Gundam statue standing in Odaiba, Tokyo bay front. If not, you can see thousands of pictures on Flickr. The organization behind it, Green Tokyo Gundam Project Committee, who claims that building Gundam is for ecology enlightenment and inviting the Olympics to Tokyo in 2016, holds… Continue reading A Keepsake Picture With Tokyo Gundam Auctioned For Over 1 Million Yen [Update: 2.6 mil Yen]