Iogous – A Display Ad Optimization Tool

A Tokyo-based Internet ad solution company, Fringe81 [JP], revealed their new ad optimization software called Iogous [JP]. Iogous is a specialized tool for optimizing display ad creative. Iogous enables to try numerous combinations of designs, colors, and texts with statistical method. Fringe81 says that the tool achieves few hundreds percent improvement of click-through-rate. It means… Continue reading Iogous – A Display Ad Optimization Tool

GMO-AP To Acquire Sanoh From Unoh To Obtain Mobile Ad Network

GMO Ad Partners(GMO-AP)[J], a web ad agency of Shibuya-based web juggernaut GMO Internet Group, announced it would acquire Sanow Inc.[J] who has been developing a behavioral targeting and content-match ad network for mobile.   Sanow has been a subsidiary of Unoh Inc.[J] who has developed several web application services including Machi-Tsuku (described in this story). GMO-AP… Continue reading GMO-AP To Acquire Sanoh From Unoh To Obtain Mobile Ad Network

Tokyo Hermes Mixed Reality Ad

Japanese A-lister Masaki Ishitani [J] took an interesting video of an installation ad at Hermes Tokyo branch at the most decent shopping area Ginza (location on Google Street View). This is Tokujin Yoshioka‘s work and she is an actress Tae Kimura. See Also: Tokujin Yoshioka’s blog entry on this project [J]