CNBC Pranked By Japanese Photoshopper

Bloomberg reported that Japanese Ministry of Finance posted a silly ad to solicit young Japanese guys to buy government bonds on popular free magazine R25, which is a true story. To Japanese’ credit, many people here were amazed by silliness of the ad project, and got angry against who spent tax for this. The magazine… Continue reading CNBC Pranked By Japanese Photoshopper

Tokyo No Pants Train Ride Calls Police Cordon

By Asahi Shimbun’s report [J], I came to know this Japan version of the famous internet prank had been planned. It is not a subway but a JR Yamate line train, on January 10th Sugamo police department had caught the information that there would be “No Pants Subway Ride” held. They sent 60 police officers… Continue reading Tokyo No Pants Train Ride Calls Police Cordon