Otagei – Too Much Trained Audience’ Dance In Japan

They are not artists, just regular Japanese mostly girls idol fans who buy tickets, chant and dance from auditorium to try to let their icons recognize them. Their performance is called “Otagei” (オタ芸 = Otaku + Gei, act/art). You may easily imagine that many other regular audience do not welcome their space-taking, sometimes annoying moves… Continue reading Otagei – Too Much Trained Audience’ Dance In Japan

Hewlett-Packard Japan’s “Maid in Tokyo” Campaign

The world’s No.1 PC vendor Hewlett-Packard(HP)’s Japan branch is running a new campaign “Maid in Tokyo” [J], featuring two girls from Japanese idol unit Aidoringu(made up from “Idle”+”-ing”) in maid costume, to appeal that the HP’s PC are “made in Tokyo”. According to the HP site [J], since 1999 they have been producing PC in… Continue reading Hewlett-Packard Japan’s “Maid in Tokyo” Campaign