Groupon Japan And Recruit Pompare Show Strong Recovery After The Quake

Japanese flash coupon vertical search Coupon-JP has just released an April version of sales estimation of major social coupon services [J, pdf] after March report skipped by the quake. Groupon Japan, which started by US Groupon purchasing a local clone last summer, has been leading the market but got damaged by terrible osechigate at the… Continue reading Groupon Japan And Recruit Pompare Show Strong Recovery After The Quake

Study: Post-Quake Sales Of Japanese Group-Buying Sites Down 36%

What’s the overall size of Japan’s market for online group-buying sites? Tokyo-based Luxa (which runs one of these sites/more info here) regularly issues reports on the domestic industry as a whole. And according to their latest study, the quake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11 had a rather large negative effect on the… Continue reading Study: Post-Quake Sales Of Japanese Group-Buying Sites Down 36%

Groupon Japan Being Chased Up By Recruit’s Pompare – Maybe Osechigate Affected

Daily deal coupon search service released [J] their February research on Japanese daily deal coupon service sales by calculating each site’s coupon prices and number of sold tickets. On their chart, No.2 Pompare, run by Recruit, shows 30% growth to be about 70% of No.1 Groupon Japan’s sales. It was about half in January… Continue reading Groupon Japan Being Chased Up By Recruit’s Pompare – Maybe Osechigate Affected

Groupon Japan’s Osechigate Still Smoldering

The poor traditional holiday food (osechi) delivery happened on New Year’s day around Groupon Japan, followed by media bash then Groupon world CEO’s sincere but delayed video apology 17 days later, must affected somewhat on their Japanese penetration and pitching daily deal business itself. Even though a month passed, media rushing on this issue has… Continue reading Groupon Japan’s Osechigate Still Smoldering

Groupon CEO Andrew Mason Apologizes To Japanese Customers For Osechi Trouble

A half month after the ‘osechi'(traditional Japanese New Year food) trouble, Groupon founder and CEO Andrew Mason appeared on video on the Groupon Japan official blog to offer his apologies to Japanese Groupon users. “We learn from this mistake, and don’t repeat the same mistake twice.” I think most Japanese customers will be satisfied with… Continue reading Groupon CEO Andrew Mason Apologizes To Japanese Customers For Osechi Trouble

Chinamode 2010: 45 Finalists Nominated For China’s Best Web Service Awards (3/3)

(Continued from the previous post.) – – – – – – – – – – Category 7: The Most Remarkable Apps From Outside China Twitter (In Chinese, “推特” Tui-te) is a social micro-blog service.  Its unique and simple architecture have highly contributed to the development of social network services. Kik Messenger is an app of… Continue reading Chinamode 2010: 45 Finalists Nominated For China’s Best Web Service Awards (3/3)

Groupon Japan To Land KDDI Cellphone Official Portal

Groupon Japan, a subsidiary of the international leading flash coupon service Groupon, announced their new alliance with Japan’s No.2 cellphone carrier KDDI on 14th. According to the KDDI’s release [J], KDDI will open “au one coupon”, coupon-only portal site under its official cellphone portal site “au one”, which is available on all KDDI au feature… Continue reading Groupon Japan To Land KDDI Cellphone Official Portal

JAFCO Invests $6 Million In Japanese Groupon Clone Luxa

Like everywhere else, the Japanese market is full of Groupon clones. Market share-wise, the “original” Groupon (Groupon Japan) is leading after it acquired one of its local clones earlier this year. It’s followed by Piku, the first Groupon-like service in this country. But Japanese venture capital companies still see room for even more coupon services.… Continue reading JAFCO Invests $6 Million In Japanese Groupon Clone Luxa

500,000 People Needed To Get The Deal; Pompare Is Selling A Challenging Coupon

Groupon Japan’s Rival, Ponpare[J] has started to sell a special coupon today. You can get Häagen-Dazs ice cream ticket for 2 mini cups by paying only 100 yen ( about a dollar and quarter).  This means you can get 84% discounts but what makes this coupon drawing attention is the number of sign up required… Continue reading 500,000 People Needed To Get The Deal; Pompare Is Selling A Challenging Coupon