Japan’s Daily Coupon Market: Is Groupon About To Lose Its Top Position To Ponpare?

Japan’s market for daily coupon services is heating up. It has been pretty much a two-horse race for months now, with Groupon Japan as the top player in the market and Recruit’s Ponpare as a close second. In April, for example, Groupon Japan was estimated to have racked up $18.6 million in sales, while Ponpare… Continue reading Japan’s Daily Coupon Market: Is Groupon About To Lose Its Top Position To Ponpare?

Groupon Japan Gives Away $50 PC Game For New Members

The market for daily coupon services in Japan has developed into a a two-horse race in the last few months: Groupon Japan is leading the market with an estimated $18.6 million in sales in April this year against Recruit’s Ponpare, which racked up $14.5 million in the same month (according to daily coupon search service… Continue reading Groupon Japan Gives Away $50 PC Game For New Members

500,000 People Needed To Get The Deal; Pompare Is Selling A Challenging Coupon

Groupon Japan’s Rival, Ponpare[J] has started to sell a special coupon today. You can get Häagen-Dazs ice cream ticket for 2 mini cups by paying only 100 yen ( about a dollar and quarter).  This means you can get 84% discounts but what makes this coupon drawing attention is the number of sign up required… Continue reading 500,000 People Needed To Get The Deal; Pompare Is Selling A Challenging Coupon