Gachapin Now Has His Voice Vocaloid And iPhone Twitter Client

A Japan’s most popular Twitter user Gachapin, who took the most followed user title recently back from ex-prime minister Yukio Hatoyama who once passed him, is expanding his brand on two different geeks-loving products, Vocaloid and iPhone. Gachapin is a 5-year-old dinosaur kid from a popular children TV program Hirake Ponkikki, who is also known… Continue reading Gachapin Now Has His Voice Vocaloid And iPhone Twitter Client

Asiajin Android Reader App Debuts

Tokyo-based Android app developer ACL Inc.[J] has kindly developed the Android Reader App for us, it has been just released today on the Android Market.   Following MotherApp’s iPhone Reader App which was introduced at the beginning of this year, now we have our exclusive apps for both of the two major smartphone platforms. We wish… Continue reading Asiajin Android Reader App Debuts

Ngi Group Unveils API That Integrates Your App With Multiple Social Networks

Ngi Group, which has spawned a number of new Internet businesses in Tokyo and is known for having invested in Japan’s top social network Mixi[J], unveiled a new API called “ngi social connect[J]”  at a serial meet-up by and for Japanese social app providers and developers[J] “Social App Night” today. The API allows app developers… Continue reading Ngi Group Unveils API That Integrates Your App With Multiple Social Networks

WISH2010 Event Report – Panel Discussion by Heads Of Gree, Mixi And Twitter’s Japan Operation

Agile Media Network, a Tokyo-based marketing company using blog and word-of-mouth media and led by A-list blogger Motohiko Tokuriki who also serves an adviser for Asiajin, held the second edition of annual tech and social media conference WISH in Roppongi this weekend.  550 attendees joined. The event started with a panel discussion titled “How Japanese… Continue reading WISH2010 Event Report – Panel Discussion by Heads Of Gree, Mixi And Twitter’s Japan Operation

WISH2010 Event Report – 15 Presenters And The Winner

After the panel of three key persons in Japanese social networks, there were 15 presenters demo, 10 from organizers’ choice and 5 fans’ vote out of 32 nominees. TwiTraq A Twitter analysis tool by UserLocal, who provides web traffic analysis services (Nakanohito for PC, Ugokuhito for Japanese feature phone and UserInsight for enterprise). (from fan’s… Continue reading WISH2010 Event Report – 15 Presenters And The Winner

Japanese Social Marketplace Flutterscape Gets $300,000 Seed Money

A Japanese Internet startup that not only has international ambitions but that’s also able to receive a substantial amount of seed money is a very, very rare beast. But today, we can report that such a beast has been sighted. Singaporean tech blog e27 just broke the news that Tokyo-based Flutterscape, a cross-border social marketplace… Continue reading Japanese Social Marketplace Flutterscape Gets $300,000 Seed Money

7 Out Of Top 10 Mobile Sites Used For Child Prostitution Ensured By The Self-Regulating Organization EMA

A police leak about child prostitution over non-dating websites includes statistics that implies self-regulation of big mobile web companies are not working as expected, Mainichi reported [J]. In 2009, 1,136 minors under the age 18 were involved by violence of ordinance on juvenile protection, the law banning child prostitution and child pornography. 716 of them,… Continue reading 7 Out Of Top 10 Mobile Sites Used For Child Prostitution Ensured By The Self-Regulating Organization EMA

Hyper Gadgets Loaded Taxi In Kyoto

A guy from a game/smartphone shop Vis-a-Vis [J] posted an interesting photo when he took a taxi in Kyoto. Makaizou(evil tuned, often used to praise something so maniac) Taxi. It has 20 inch display, four high definition camcorders, three car navigators, Docomo’s WiFi router. For security, all recorded movies are being transferred to his home… Continue reading Hyper Gadgets Loaded Taxi In Kyoto

August 2010 Japan IT Links (Part 2)

(From Part 1) Second of August news which we did not write as a dedicated article. (Continued to Part 3) Referred pages are all in Japanese, unless otherwise stated. Retired Lawmaker, Popular Twitter User 81-years-old Koichi Hamada Arrested by breach-of-trust. He(@555hamako) has not tweeted much few days before the arrest. Probably the first arrested Japanese… Continue reading August 2010 Japan IT Links (Part 2)

You Can Participate In Fishery Auctions At Tsukiji From Home

DoHouse[J], a Tokyo-based marketing research company devoted to monitor surveys by housewives, launched on their food-oriented e-commerce site a program[J] that allows consumers to bid for fish with watching a live streamcast hosted by a middleman from Tsukiji Fish Market.   Now we can participate in the auction at home and post a bid price for… Continue reading You Can Participate In Fishery Auctions At Tsukiji From Home