Mixi Nengajou (new year greeting card) is not the only emerging service tries to turn online friendship into real items delivery. This is too much of a coincidence that Mixi, Softbank (owns 40% of Yahoo! Japan) and au(KDDI)-DeNA(runs Mobage Town) launched virtual to real shipping services in last 2 months. Softbank Puchi Gift November 4th,… Continue reading E-mail-only friend delivery springs up in Japan
Category: Trend
When Japanese say Yes, it means No
Well, I am joking. “Yes” means “Yes” here, too, most of the time. However, if you dive deeper into the Japanese web, you may get totally lost in the conversations because of new expressions that continue to emerge. One phrase which has become very popular since early 2008, is this: “(subject) desune, wakarimasu.” (~ですね、わかります) which… Continue reading When Japanese say Yes, it means No
So-net M3 – a community site for doctors
So-net M3 (TSE:2413) is a very profitable and unique company which is providing a community site ‘m3.com’ exclusively for medical doctors. Doctors are restricted by confidentiality, so they cannot use typical community sites to share information about their professional life or skills. M3 provides them with a bulletin board service. M3 has 390,000 registered medical… Continue reading So-net M3 – a community site for doctors
Source Next takes USB Memory Software Package from CD-ROM
Packaged Software supplier Source Next will start selling their “USB Memory package” application from September 5th, 2008. Under the “U memo series” brand, they will sell their anti-virus software, cell phone data sync tool, greeting cards utility, etc. in 1MB USB memory. The memory can be used as a regular USB memory. It is explained… Continue reading Source Next takes USB Memory Software Package from CD-ROM
Japanese “MAD movies” movement with Niconico/Idolmaster
Idolm@ster(Idol-master, abbrev. Aimasu in Japanese) is originally an arcade network game, then became a XBox360 game which is sold only in Japan. You will be a producer of a virtual 3D girl band and train them to be popular singers (kind of “Sim People” with a goal?). The game itself is not a big seller,… Continue reading Japanese “MAD movies” movement with Niconico/Idolmaster
Gal-Moji: leetspeak for Japanese highschool girls
If l33t is an English phenomenon mainly among Geeks, “Gal-Moji” (“Moji” = letters) is the counterpart for Japanese cellphone users, especially teenaged girls. As with leetspeak, Gal-Moji users replace a standard Japanese character with a different but similar-looking character. This is made more chaotic, however, by the fact that the Japanese language has 3 different… Continue reading Gal-Moji: leetspeak for Japanese highschool girls
“www” has another meaning in Japanese Web
When browsing Japanese websites, especially user-generated ones like BBS, you may see a lot of “w” letter at the end of lines on Japanese text. Such like, “Blablabla www” Do you know what they are? Those “w”, “ww”, “www” or longer consective “w”s mean laugh, laugh out loud in Japan. i share Inc. recently researched… Continue reading “www” has another meaning in Japanese Web
Usage of mobile videos and TV in Japan
Japanese Web Marketing Information Portal “Web Marketing Guide” and market research company Net Asia conjointly conducted a study on the use of mobile videos and digital TV in Japan. At the end of last month, 345 people (172 female, 173 male) aged between 15 and 49 were surveyed. The results show that more and more… Continue reading Usage of mobile videos and TV in Japan
Japan’s Internet filtering initiatives
Can you regulate the Cyberspace? Should you? It seems some forces in Japan think it’s possible and you should. There has been a lot of efforts by the Japanese government in the last few weeks to regulate and censor the Internet in various ways. 2 weeks ago, Japan’s National Police Agency hinted it may soon… Continue reading Japan’s Internet filtering initiatives
Yomiuri TV Uses Skype To Interview Candidates
Japanese television broadcaster Yomiuri TV has found a novel new way to recruit young new employees to their company. They utilize Skype chat and video to conduct the interview. The thinking behind the process is not to only demonstrate how “hip” they are to new technologies but also to provide an opportunity for many applicants… Continue reading Yomiuri TV Uses Skype To Interview Candidates