iPhone Breast Enhancer: Better Than Plastic Surgery To Be Sexy?

Following the company’s stupid iPhone/iPod touch app serial release (like this), Kayac, a funny web app developer based in Tokyo’s suburb, just made something new to make our hard days more cheerful. Tanimania, it is a breast enhancer that enables to make the breast of you or your girlfriend much sexier than ever – but… Continue reading iPhone Breast Enhancer: Better Than Plastic Surgery To Be Sexy?

Popular Singer Kohmi Hirose Held A Twitter Live Concert

Kohmi Hirose, a Japanese pop singer/song writer, who is also known by her joining Twitter this year, made a Twitter (unofficial) song, one of 31 suggested Japanese Twitter accounts, had the first “Twitter Live Concert” in Japan. (I just do not know if there were similar concerts in other countries yet) The short concert with… Continue reading Popular Singer Kohmi Hirose Held A Twitter Live Concert

iPhone 3G Is Still As Popular As 3GS in Japan

BCN’s cellphone sales ranking, which once was used to declare iPhone triumph in Japan, showed interesting status these weeks. Last week, iPhone 3G (8G) sales was ranked at the 3rd, whilst the latest 3GS (32G) ranked at the 4th. This week 3GS (32GB) takes back the highest position among iPhones ranked by 5th. 3G (8G)… Continue reading iPhone 3G Is Still As Popular As 3GS in Japan

KDDI To Invest USD9M On Bangladeshi Largest ISP

Japan’s second largest telecom company KDDI announced yesterday that it would invest USD9M (JPY800M) on Banglaseshi largest ISP bracNet next January.   The rate of the diffusion of the Internet service in the country is as low as 2% despite the country is ranked as the world’s 7th in the number of the population.   With… Continue reading KDDI To Invest USD9M On Bangladeshi Largest ISP

Shueisha And MS To Start Distributing Dragon Ball For WinMo In Japan, U.S. And Europe

Microsoft Japan announced yesterday that it would launch Windows Marketplace for Mobile in Japan next month.   The company already started the service in the U.S. last month.   Similarly to Apple’s AppStore and Google’s Android Market, mobile software developers will have opportunities to sell their application titles to Windows Mobile(WinMo) users all around the world.   As… Continue reading Shueisha And MS To Start Distributing Dragon Ball For WinMo In Japan, U.S. And Europe

Facebook To Have The First Oversea Development Base In Tokyo

Facebook, which I think I do not need any explanation what it is to English web users, announced that they would open their Japanese arm in Tokyo early in 2010, ITMedia reports [J]. The branch, which is planned to be formed with developers from US and locally hired Japanese engineers and managers, will make a… Continue reading Facebook To Have The First Oversea Development Base In Tokyo

All Nippon Airways To Start iPhone/iPod Connection Service On NRT-JFK Flights

Japan’s second largest airliner ANA (All Nippon Airways) announced they would start a new service on selected flights between NRT (Narita International, Tokyo) and JFK (John F. Kennedy International, New York) next February, which makes all passengers (including economy class seats) on the flights possible to connect their iPhone/iPod to the in-flight personal entertainment system.… Continue reading All Nippon Airways To Start iPhone/iPod Connection Service On NRT-JFK Flights

WSJ To Launch Japanese News Portal In December

The Wall Street Journal(WSJ) announced today it would launch Japanese news portal site[J] on December 15th.   This will be the company’s second non-English portal site following Chinese Edition[C] in Asia, and is bringing us a few news stories a day on a trial basis until the official launch date. WSJ has been owned by News… Continue reading WSJ To Launch Japanese News Portal In December

Softbank To Add iPhone-like WiFi Feature On Regular Cellphones

Softbank Mobile, the third largest, and iPhone exclusive provider cellphone carrier in Japan, announced their 22 (75 colors) new cellphone “Winter” models [J]. 8 of 22 will have WiFi feature and users are encouraged to join the new WiFi plan “Ke-tai WiFi”(cellphone WiFi) [J], which may cover up their 3G connectivity weakness due to dull… Continue reading Softbank To Add iPhone-like WiFi Feature On Regular Cellphones

Real-Time Drawing Collaboration Service Cacoo Breaks Out of Beta

Fukuoka-based nulab, Inc. [ja] launched a real-time collaboration tool for drawing diagrams called Cacoo. With its real-time synchronization technology, you can edit files on Cacoo while other team member is working on it. The pre-defined stencil sets include parts for network diagrams, sitemaps, wireframes, and UMLs, in addition to generic shapes and illustrations. Cacoo –… Continue reading Real-Time Drawing Collaboration Service Cacoo Breaks Out of Beta