Real-Time Drawing Collaboration Service Cacoo Breaks Out of Beta

Fukuoka-based nulab, Inc. [ja] launched a real-time collaboration tool for drawing diagrams called Cacoo. With its real-time synchronization technology, you can edit files on Cacoo while other team member is working on it. The pre-defined stencil sets include parts for network diagrams, sitemaps, wireframes, and UMLs, in addition to generic shapes and illustrations. Cacoo –… Continue reading Real-Time Drawing Collaboration Service Cacoo Breaks Out of Beta

Fastladder RSS Reader is now Open Source

Fastladder, an English localized version of the Japan’s most popular web-based RSS Reader “livedoor Reader” becomes Open Source today. Codes written in Ruby on Rails/Javascript are available on Google Code. The lincense is an MIT license. The installable binary package is also downloadable from For Windows/Mac/Unix. It is still the same web-based (and “fast”,… Continue reading Fastladder RSS Reader is now Open Source