Tonchidot Release Super Karate-Robo Zarborgar App

Tonchidot [J] has released the official Android application “Karate-Robo Zarborgar by Sekai Camera” of “Karate-Robo Zarborgar” [J] (aka Denjin Zarborgar), a movie opened to the public on October 15th.  Download is free. “Karate-Robo Zarborgar by Sekai Camera” is an app that allows you to take a commemorative photo with Zarborgar as he appears into the… Continue reading Tonchidot Release Super Karate-Robo Zarborgar App

Tonchidot’s Face Recognition App “Smile Fever” Supported In English And Korean

Tonchidot has released the iPhone application “Smile Fever” v1.0.2 which now supports the English and Korean languages. “Smile Fever” is their first free iPhone application.  Thanks to facial recognition technology, it judges and ranks everyone’s charming “Smile Face” and gets the party going. By using iPhone4’s front camera function it judges your smile and converts… Continue reading Tonchidot’s Face Recognition App “Smile Fever” Supported In English And Korean

Who’s Free And Tonchidot To Hold Fundraising Party At SXSW To Help Relief Efforts

A cross-post to Asiajin and Startup Dating. SXSW is currently taking place in Austin, Texas.   Asiajin contributors Serkan Toto and Paul Papadimitriou are there for moderating panels on Japanese web services and social media.  A team of the moderators, the presenters and the panels are now joining forces to help the disaster relief efforts… Continue reading Who’s Free And Tonchidot To Hold Fundraising Party At SXSW To Help Relief Efforts

Augmented Reality App Sekai Camera Now Available On The Web

Japan’s Augmented Reality poster company Tonchidot has brought its hit app Sekai Camera to the web. It’s now the fourth platform the app is available on, following versions for the iPhone, Android, and the iPad. Dubbed Sekai Camera Web, the online version is pretty simplistic (which is not too surprising for an alpha version). It… Continue reading Augmented Reality App Sekai Camera Now Available On The Web

KDDI To Acquire Stake In AR Start-up Tonchidot

The Nikkei, or Japan’s economic journal, reported today that Japan’s second largest telecom giant KDDI announced it would invest in Tonchidot, the Tokyo-based tech start-up who is well known for augmented-reality(AR) smartphone app Sekai Camera.   Tonchidot plans to allocate new shares to KDDI to raise approximately USD530,000 in order to develop social games using Sekai… Continue reading KDDI To Acquire Stake In AR Start-up Tonchidot

Two AR iPhone Apps Come To Our Hands This Week

Tokyo-based tech start-up led by Takahito Iguchi(@iguchi), a self-styled Willy Wonka who made an unique presentation at last year’s edition of TechCrunch 50, Tonchidot finally released an augmented reality (AR) iPhone app Sekai Camera on Thursday, it’s now available at AppStore for free of charge. In time with the release of the app, Mr. Iguchi… Continue reading Two AR iPhone Apps Come To Our Hands This Week