Otagei – Too Much Trained Audience’ Dance In Japan

They are not artists, just regular Japanese mostly girls idol fans who buy tickets, chant and dance from auditorium to try to let their icons recognize them. Their performance is called “Otagei” (オタ芸 = Otaku + Gei, act/art). You may easily imagine that many other regular audience do not welcome their space-taking, sometimes annoying moves… Continue reading Otagei – Too Much Trained Audience’ Dance In Japan

Otaku Social Matching Service “Otakuma” Reincarnated As “Ultema”

C. S. T. Entertainment [J] has announced that they will be closing their specialized Otaku (nerd) social matching service Otakuma [J] as of May 26th. “Otakuma” is C.S.T. Entertainment’s first shot at developing a social matching service which began in 2009.  At first it bathed in the limelight as a matching service specialized for otaku… Continue reading Otaku Social Matching Service “Otakuma” Reincarnated As “Ultema”

Orenoyome – Pinterest for Otaku

Oreno Yome wo Jiman suru Saito (A website to boast my wife) is a new Japanese service where to post your favorite photos of “yome”, which literally means wife, but in Otaku context, “ore no yome” means anything but your real human being wife, on which female character assigned, and on which you put your… Continue reading Orenoyome – Pinterest for Otaku

Buying A 173,250 Yen Doll From Microsoft Comes With Dev Tools, Or Opposite?

Microsoft Japan has been featuring Cloud-girl Claudia to grab the heart of anime-loving geeks. Their latest campaign offers the limited Claudia doll for everyone who purchases Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional with MSDN, which price is 173,250 yen (US$2200). The doll is planned to be 15-20 centimeters(6-8 inches) heights, with serial number. The campaign will… Continue reading Buying A 173,250 Yen Doll From Microsoft Comes With Dev Tools, Or Opposite?

Cyber-Maid Augmented Reality

Geisha Tokyo Entertainment Inc. announced a new entertainment software title using augmented reality technology named “Dennoh Figure ARis“(Cyber Figure Alice) which will be on sale this autumn (2008). The package will come with two cyber-cubes and two cyber-sticks. You set up your webcam, and by putting the cyber-cube on your desk, a cyber-maid is displayed… Continue reading Cyber-Maid Augmented Reality