Otagei – Too Much Trained Audience’ Dance In Japan

They are not artists, just regular Japanese mostly girls idol fans who buy tickets, chant and dance from auditorium to try to let their icons recognize them. Their performance is called “Otagei” (オタ芸 = Otaku + Gei, act/art). You may easily imagine that many other regular audience do not welcome their space-taking, sometimes annoying moves… Continue reading Otagei – Too Much Trained Audience’ Dance In Japan

Sony Features Dancing Headphone Girls From All Japan’s 47-Prefecture

Sony Headphone’s official new promotion in Japan is movies on its YouTube channel. Not sounds new? But 47 girls from each prefecture dancing with the headphone at tourist places and/or with local products. The Headphone Joshi(girls) 47 meets Extra Bass. Recap http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekWGvjx9JEo Tokyo girl / Tokyo Sky Tree http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjR2JL_XgYc Wakayama girls / Wakayama Catsle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akg1BWW4VuU… Continue reading Sony Features Dancing Headphone Girls From All Japan’s 47-Prefecture

Perfume’s Open Dance Data Inspiring CG Creators

In April, we reported that Japanese girls techno unit Perfume opened the motion data of their dance on Github. Fans’ creatives seem to be arriving to the official site. Daihei Shibata lets the doll Perfume dance on his desktop. Pretty inpressive CG work. The official site shows other 4 great videos using the same motion… Continue reading Perfume’s Open Dance Data Inspiring CG Creators

Papepipu Papipepu Papepipupo

If Kyary Pamyu Pamyu’s Ponponpon got 7 million views on YouTube worldwide, this new “Papepipu♪ Papipepu♪ Papepipupo♪” by Nozomi Sasaki may be welcomed by Japanese weird-music fans. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YBnMzrvKqY Nozomi Sasaki is one of the most popular “gravure idols” recently. (Google Image Search) See Also: The cute ‘n’ kooky world of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Japan’s newest… Continue reading Papepipu Papipepu Papepipupo

Toyota Raves In Mad Social Campaign, Save The Car (And Us)!

Toyota Social App Award – Save The Car (Japanese/Chinese) is a social application contest run by the world largest automaker Toyota. The social applications applied are expected to deliver fun and job of car to people. To promote the contest, Toyota prepared an official cheering song and its choreography. They lined up about 30 of… Continue reading Toyota Raves In Mad Social Campaign, Save The Car (And Us)!

Kinect + Head Mount Display = Virtual Reality (And Hatsune Miku, As Always)

Although Xbox360 is not so popular here in Japan, some Japanese seem to love and hack Kinect. After the first interesting one to connect Kinect with virtual 3D figure dance authoring free tool Miku Miku Dance, which was originally developed by fans of Vocaloid, human voice singing synthesizer software represented by pretty popular virtual diva… Continue reading Kinect + Head Mount Display = Virtual Reality (And Hatsune Miku, As Always)

All Earphone Bon-Dance Party Held For Noise Abatement

According to an Aichi regional newspaper Chunichi Shimbun [J], there was an interesting new attempt on Bon-Odori, traditional summer dance festival around Japan, to avoid future noise problem bothering neighbors. 15-20 minutes in their regular festival, 50 FM radio are lent to bon dancers, who are attending locals, and they dance with music from their… Continue reading All Earphone Bon-Dance Party Held For Noise Abatement

Lotte’s $10,000 Dance Contest on YouTube

Fit’s Dance Contest is a contest being held by Lotte, one of the biggest sweets seller in Japan, utilizing YouTube as a platform. An example dance is provided featuring Takeru Satou and Nozomi Sasaki, a popular actress and one of the most beloved icons on Japanese Tumblr. Rather than asking for original dances, both the… Continue reading Lotte’s $10,000 Dance Contest on YouTube