AllAbout Launches Non-Japanese AllAbout Japan for Foreign Visitors

AllAbout Inc., AllAbout Inc., a Japanese company which originally started as a joint-venture between Recruit and US, running All About in Japanese, announced today [J] September 29th that its multi language sites AllAbout Japan, initially with English. According to the release, the site will have original articles by 500 Japan expert foreign writers, who… Continue reading AllAbout Launches Non-Japanese AllAbout Japan for Foreign Visitors

All Japanese Stocks Jump Up 10000% on Google Search

[Update] It seems fixed now (21:40 31th) Google’s instant stock search feature, one of the quick search results shown at the top of search results page, has been showing ten-thousandfold high price for stock prices on Japanese market today. (Nintendo stock on Google and Yahoo! Japan Finance) American stocks seem to be okay. Only Japanese… Continue reading All Japanese Stocks Jump Up 10000% on Google Search

Photo Tweet A Minute Before Today’s Volcano Eruption Worried

A Japanese hiker @setori_ tweeted with a photo around a crater on Mt. Ontake, Nagano. 一人でのんびり御嶽山(^^) — enari (@setori_) September 27, 2014 The tweet’s time 11:52 a.m is just one minute before the mountain erupted. There are no newer tweets from this person and Japanese web users are anxious. [Update] Video by another hiker… Continue reading Photo Tweet A Minute Before Today’s Volcano Eruption Worried

Yahoo! Japan To Move Its Office From Roppongi To Kioi-cho

Yahoo! Japan, the nation’s largest web service company, announced[J] today June 19 that it will migrate its office to a new office/hotel building which has been being constructed at where Akasaka Prince Hotel was there before. Its expanding business seems to make it require more space. The new Yahoo! Japan office starting from May 2016… Continue reading Yahoo! Japan To Move Its Office From Roppongi To Kioi-cho

NHK Starts News Program Interacts With Twitter Messages By Watchers

In Japan, April is the start of school year, and many TV programs also begin this season. Japan’s public broadcasting network NHK began weekday midnight news program News Web 24 [J] works with the popular Internet service, Twitter. # The 24 in “News Web 24” means 24 o’clock, means 00:00, which is often used in… Continue reading NHK Starts News Program Interacts With Twitter Messages By Watchers

LION Releases Unique Alarm App Which Prevents You From Being Ashamed On Train

Have you ever felt ashamed by leaning on to person sitting next to you constantly while on train falling asleep?  Sure, I have.  Often. LION[J], as a promotion for energy drink Gronsan[J],  released mobile alarm app[J] that could keep you away from this common situation you may find on commuting trains in Japan. The app… Continue reading LION Releases Unique Alarm App Which Prevents You From Being Ashamed On Train

Crowsnest – Twitter Newsreader Service In English And Japanese

Rmake launched Crowsnest as a Beta service. When logging in by Twitter authentication, you will see latest news on tweets under several several tabs. Tabs are like your regular “timeline”, popular links from tweets by people you are “following”, Yours tweets, Your following marked, some auto-categorized news of IT, live videos, images and blogs. You… Continue reading Crowsnest – Twitter Newsreader Service In English And Japanese

Asahi Shimbun Follows To Nikkei, Digital Subscription Starts Today

Asahi Shimbun, one of the largest newspapers in Japan and the world, is to start “Asahi Shimbun Digital” at 3 p.m. today, May 18th 2011, which is seen on its teaser page [J] (thanks @kansai_takako). The teaser page does not tell much, but I think the “digital” means paid-subscription of online version, like Nikkei has… Continue reading Asahi Shimbun Follows To Nikkei, Digital Subscription Starts Today

February 2010 Japan-IT Links (Part 2)

Latter half of February news which we did not write as a dedicated article. (Part 1) Referred pages are all in Japanese, unless otherwise stated. Keeping Household Accounts By Taking Receipt With Cellphone Camera For New Sharp/Softbank Mobile Phone Dentsu Tech Launches Cellphone 3D AR App For 3 Major Carriers Performance Marketing Starts Consulting To… Continue reading February 2010 Japan-IT Links (Part 2)

February 2010 Japan-IT Links (Part 1)

First half of February news which we did not write as a dedicated article. (follows to Part 2) Referred pages are all in Japanese, unless otherwise stated. Another Japanese iPad on… iTunes! Google Logo Contests By Kids, Japan round English translations of some popular 2-channel phrases NEC’s Android based touchscreen gear like iPad (December 2009… Continue reading February 2010 Japan-IT Links (Part 1)