All Japanese Stocks Jump Up 10000% on Google Search

[Update] It seems fixed now (21:40 31th) Google’s instant stock search feature, one of the quick search results shown at the top of search results page, has been showing ten-thousandfold high price for stock prices on Japanese market today. (Nintendo stock on Google and Yahoo! Japan Finance) American stocks seem to be okay. Only Japanese… Continue reading All Japanese Stocks Jump Up 10000% on Google Search

Social Game Vendor Klab Goes IPO On TSE Mothers

KLab [J], a social game vendor announced [J] that they will be listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers (Tosho Mothers) planned on September 27, 2011. The company was originally established as an research and development section of CyBird, one of the most successful mobile contents providers for i-mode, Docomo’s feature phone web portal. After leaving… Continue reading Social Game Vendor Klab Goes IPO On TSE Mothers

Nikkei Reporting Facebook-Mixi “Alliance” Lets Mixi Stock Up 6%

Thursday evening we reported that Facebook released a new application to put your updates on Facebook into its local rival Mixi. 2 hours later, 9:15 p.m. 28th (Japan Time), Nikkei reported [J] the news with a title “US Facebook allied(Teikei, in Japanese) with Mixi, shares information on social sites”. Nikkei said that Facebook announced their… Continue reading Nikkei Reporting Facebook-Mixi “Alliance” Lets Mixi Stock Up 6%

Yahoo! Japan is worth $28billion

The market capitalization of Yahoo! Japan stands at $28 billion (as of Feb. 2008). Telecommunications conglomerate Softbank is the largest shareholder, holding 41% of the company’s shares. Yahoo! owns 33.4% of Yahoo! Japan’s shares. Microsoft’s bid for Yahoo! is $44.6 billion while Yahoo!’s share of Yahoo! Japan is worth $9.3 billion.