Japanese Government Warns Google Around Its New Privacy Policy

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications(MIC) and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI) announced [J] on February 29 that they jointly notified to Google that its privacy policy which would be newly introduced on March 1 must respect laws and regulations, also inform users the change well. Google, as well as on other countries and… Continue reading Japanese Government Warns Google Around Its New Privacy Policy

Japan Gov. Requests The Internet To Delete False Disaster Rumors

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications(MIC) announced [J] that they had requested four Internet related organizations to delete “false rumors” on online bulletin boards “to keep safety and peace of mind in disastrous area”. The four organizations are, Telecommunications Carriers Association(TCA), Telecom Services Association(TELESA) [J], Japan Internet Providers Association(JAIPA) and Japan Cable and Telecommunications Association(JCTA).… Continue reading Japan Gov. Requests The Internet To Delete False Disaster Rumors