Japanese Government Site For Whistle-blower Finally Launches, Still Insists Non Existing “.com”

As we reported [1][2], Japanese government opens a website for people to inform wasted tax money or irrational rules issues directly to them. The domain name, after squatted, is “http://www.cao.go.jp/” which guarantees the website is by government. However, they do not stop using “Hatomimi.com” [J] logo and tries to send confuse people to the squatter’s… Continue reading Japanese Government Site For Whistle-blower Finally Launches, Still Insists Non Existing “.com”

The World Shortest URL Shortener Using Internationalized Domain Name

Yesterday I introduced a crazy 14 letters twitter clone and how much Japanese are obsessed with smallness. And today I am amazed again. A blogger Jamadam released an interesting URL shortening service, and that is the world shortest. [Update] @miyagawa pointed out that http://tinyarro.ws/ have been making the same shortest URL, though the generator URL… Continue reading The World Shortest URL Shortener Using Internationalized Domain Name