Japan Gov. Requests The Internet To Delete False Disaster Rumors

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications(MIC) announced [J] that they had requested four Internet related organizations to delete “false rumors” on online bulletin boards “to keep safety and peace of mind in disastrous area”. The four organizations are, Telecommunications Carriers Association(TCA), Telecom Services Association(TELESA) [J], Japan Internet Providers Association(JAIPA) and Japan Cable and Telecommunications Association(JCTA).… Continue reading Japan Gov. Requests The Internet To Delete False Disaster Rumors

Japanese Government Allows ISPs to Target Ads by Browsing History

A Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (総務省) working group recently published an opinion stating that certain network monitoring technologies (Deep Packet Inspection) can be used by Internet Service Providers to serve targeted advertising to users, but only after the user has been clearly notified of these practices. This news made the top page of Sunday’s… Continue reading Japanese Government Allows ISPs to Target Ads by Browsing History