Rakuten/Matz are developping Web OS based on “Roma” and “Fairy”

via atmark IT At Rakuten Technology Conference 2007, Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto, a Rakuten fellow who also designed Programming Language Ruby, told about their projects “Roma” and “Fairy” to let Rakuten have its own Distributed Processing System (Web OS) like Google, Yahoo and Amazon have. “Roma” is a on-memory distributed hash storage which “concept is similar… Continue reading Rakuten/Matz are developping Web OS based on “Roma” and “Fairy”

Overture Japan leaked massive customers information

via Mainichi Shimbun newspaper Mainichi Shimbun reported that Overture Japan, online-advertising subsidiary of Yahoo! Japan, spilled its 28,157 customers information including address, phone number, e-mail address, etc. via P2P file sharing software Winny during March to August, 2007. Although Yahoo! Japan had found this issue on its other research before and notified to Overture Japan,… Continue reading Overture Japan leaked massive customers information

Twitter founder’s talk in Japan

According to Nikkei IT-Pro, Evan Williams, co-founder of twitter had a talk session with Tim O’Reilly at Web2.0 Expo 2007 in Tokyo and told localization plan. In the session, Williams disclosed that the 20% of twitter users are from Japan. He also said that localization to different languages is “the first priority task”, and that… Continue reading Twitter founder’s talk in Japan

OKWave expressed its USA subsidiary opens November

OKWave, which has been providing the same name “OKWave(オーケーウェーブ)”, Yahoo! Answers like Q and A community service, expressed its new USA-office plan. The Q-and-A service OKWave started in 2000/1. It is the one of the biggest Q-and-A service in Japanese. OKWave also provides its system and user-bases to other players, such like NTT groups’ portal… Continue reading OKWave expressed its USA subsidiary opens November

Niconico-Douga expressed its Taiwan version begins next week

via CNET Japan Online Video sharing/comment services Niconico-Douga will upgrade October 10th 6:00 p.m. (JST) with access/visibility related enhancement, from the owner company Niwango’s release. The release also includes that they will open Taiwan localized version of Niconico-Douga on October 18th. Niwango’s main area is cellular phone contents, but their started Niconico-Douga got popular as… Continue reading Niconico-Douga expressed its Taiwan version begins next week