First Arrest by Perfect Dark, the Latest P2P Client

Different language, different application. That is not an exclusive phenomenon for web services like Facebook against Japanese big 3. The most popular P2P file sharing software on Japanese web is not BitTorrent. First, it was western WinMX follower Winny. When Winny network caused chaos on society by virus (which uploaded private and enterprise files under… Continue reading First Arrest by Perfect Dark, the Latest P2P Client

Japanese P2P Filesharing Network Being Attacked From Cloud

As same as other fields, for point-to-point(P2P) file sharing, there are Japanese counterpart of Kazaa/Limewire/Torrent. Once it was Winny, but after the developer of Winny was prosecuted for making a file sharing application which possibly leads copyrighted material distribution and the development ceased, the open source successor Share took the position of the most popular… Continue reading Japanese P2P Filesharing Network Being Attacked From Cloud

Winny trial goes High Court

Winny is the most popular P2P file-sharing software in Japan. Isamu Kaneko [JP], the developer of Winny, was prosecuted by Kyoto Prosecutors Office. Kaneko was found guilty and fined 1.5 million yen ($15,000). Kaneko and the prosecuter both appealed to Osaka High Court. 4th January, 2009, Toshimitsu Dan [JP], a lawyer of the defendant, and… Continue reading Winny trial goes High Court

Q&A: What is the Japanese equivalent of [Western web service]?

Here is a list of where Japanese users usually go on the web when they want to connect with their friends, buy something or get information. I feature “made-in-Japan” sites and software only (well, almost), knowing that i.e. Google, Amazon and Firefox are highly popular in this country as well. Some of these Japanese sites… Continue reading Q&A: What is the Japanese equivalent of [Western web service]?

Overture Japan leaked massive customers information

via Mainichi Shimbun newspaper Mainichi Shimbun reported that Overture Japan, online-advertising subsidiary of Yahoo! Japan, spilled its 28,157 customers information including address, phone number, e-mail address, etc. via P2P file sharing software Winny during March to August, 2007. Although Yahoo! Japan had found this issue on its other research before and notified to Overture Japan,… Continue reading Overture Japan leaked massive customers information