Google Opens Evacuation Info Portal For Japanese Cellphone

Google built a dedicated page which is tailored for Japanese cellphone web browsers (i.e. i-mode and others) to help people suffering Tohoku earthquake/tsunami/nuclear crisis [J]. Compact web page for cellphone browser is in higher demand for many refugees at evacuation shelters. This is good move as well as other Google’s latest help like Person Finder,… Continue reading Google Opens Evacuation Info Portal For Japanese Cellphone

Japan Ministry of Education Now Reports Radiation Level Across Japan

[Update] Volunteer-made chart [J] comes based on the MEXT data. (Fukushima line is not drawn. see below for why) So far, some prefecture around the Fukushima plants show a bit higher numbers, but still very low, under 1μGy/h. Japanese government has worked on another information disclosure to resolve people’s free-floating anxiety. As traditional media, especially… Continue reading Japan Ministry of Education Now Reports Radiation Level Across Japan

Japan Prime Minister’s Office Begins English Twitter, To Inform Disaster Information

Prime Minister’s Office of Japan has just annouced that they opened an official Twitter account @JPN_PMO in English. This is the official English twitter account of Prime Minister’s Office of Japan. Most of the information provided here will be translation of @ Kantei_Saigai. The first tweet was “The Prime Minister’s Office of Japan has… Continue reading Japan Prime Minister’s Office Begins English Twitter, To Inform Disaster Information

Japanese Artists Draw Catfish To Encourage The Earthquake Sufferers

Drawn by shigeokahide. Many Japanese artists drew Namazu-e(鯰絵) to encourage earthquake sufferers on Twitter. What is Namazu-e? Namazu-e is a motif drawn in ukiyoe (Wikipedia) during Edo period (Wikipedia). “Namazu” means a catfish in Japanese. In old days, Japanese believed that the earthquake occurs because of a catfish behaves violently in underground. In 1855, earthquake of magnitude 6.9… Continue reading Japanese Artists Draw Catfish To Encourage The Earthquake Sufferers

After The Quake: A Variety Of Web Mashups Collecting Wisdom Of Crowds

Following my previous story on the grassroots movements, here are some of another developments.   Car Activities in Tohoku on Google Map: Google, Honda and Pioneer visualize car activities in Tohoku by using gathered data from communication-enabled car navigation systems. Blue lines stand for routes on which one or more motor vehicles have run on the… Continue reading After The Quake: A Variety Of Web Mashups Collecting Wisdom Of Crowds

Who’s Free And Tonchidot To Hold Fundraising Party At SXSW To Help Relief Efforts

A cross-post to Asiajin and Startup Dating. SXSW is currently taking place in Austin, Texas.   Asiajin contributors Serkan Toto and Paul Papadimitriou are there for moderating panels on Japanese web services and social media.  A team of the moderators, the presenters and the panels are now joining forces to help the disaster relief efforts… Continue reading Who’s Free And Tonchidot To Hold Fundraising Party At SXSW To Help Relief Efforts

Greater Tokyo Planned Blackout Time Checker By Zipcode

Tokyo Electric Power Co said on Sunday that it would conduct its first-ever rolling blackout from Monday to help prevent an unexpected large-scale power outage after a powerful earthquake shut two nuclear plants indefinitely on Friday. (Reuter) The outage schedule for today was announced last night by Tokyo Electric Power Co(TEPCO) here in pdf [J].… Continue reading Greater Tokyo Planned Blackout Time Checker By Zipcode

After The Quake: Grassroots Movements In The Japanese Internet Community

A massive earthquake attacked the north-eastern part of Japan on Friday afternoon.   Many JSDF troops, fire fighters and foreign rescue workers have been deployed in devastated areas, their physical rescue operations are underway.   Internet users across the country are thinking about what to do to help disaster victims and survive this difficult time.… Continue reading After The Quake: Grassroots Movements In The Japanese Internet Community

Foreigners Guide For Earthquake Offered In Over 28 Languages

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies students began a new web translation site, a basic guide of what you should and should not do if you see another afterquakes for non-Japanese people in (at this point) 28 languages. Home 日本語(Japanese) Japanese(easy ver.) English Deutsch Français Nederlands Español Italiano Português Türkçe Русский اللغة العربية Polski Slovenčina Dansk Latviešu Svenska… Continue reading Foreigners Guide For Earthquake Offered In Over 28 Languages

Livedoor, Softbank, Fon to Offer Free Wi-Fi after the Quake

On March 12th, some Wi-Fi providers in Japan started offering free connection after the devastating earthquake that hit northeast Japan on Friday afternoon. Sofbank Mobile Sofbank Mobile announced that they are completely opening up their public wireless LAN service “Softbank Wi-Fi Spot” for free. The connection is available for anyone who is in the service… Continue reading Livedoor, Softbank, Fon to Offer Free Wi-Fi after the Quake