TEPCO Shows Electricity Demand And Usage Chart

Tokyo Electric Power Company(TEPCO), which is in charge of Fukushima nuclear crisis and Kanto/Tokyo rolling blackout, opened a new page to tell how much electricity are used hourly in total. After the scheduled power down began, there were many complains from people who got inconvenience by blackout and transportation confuse caused by blackout. It was… Continue reading TEPCO Shows Electricity Demand And Usage Chart

Greater Tokyo Planned Blackout Time Checker By Zipcode

Tokyo Electric Power Co said on Sunday that it would conduct its first-ever rolling blackout from Monday to help prevent an unexpected large-scale power outage after a powerful earthquake shut two nuclear plants indefinitely on Friday. (Reuter) The outage schedule for today was announced last night by Tokyo Electric Power Co(TEPCO) here in pdf [J].… Continue reading Greater Tokyo Planned Blackout Time Checker By Zipcode