Social Translation Service Conyac Integrates Facebook And Badgeville

Tokyo-based tech start-up Anydoor announced today that it had completed the integration of its social translation service Conyac with Facebook and social rewards platform Badgeville, which allows potential users to join the service more easily and to motivate participating users to be engaged. Conyac enables you to request a translation easily.  Users can ask for… Continue reading Social Translation Service Conyac Integrates Facebook And Badgeville

For Social App Development: Mixi And CyberAgent Launch Joint Venture

Japan’s social apps boom isn’t ending: Today, two of the country’s biggest web companies, namely Mixi and CyberAgent, announced they will launch a joint venture to produce social apps for mixi, Japan’s biggest social network, on February 1. CyberAgent is best known for its massive Ameba blog platform, Japan’s biggest (12.4 million registered users). The… Continue reading For Social App Development: Mixi And CyberAgent Launch Joint Venture

Bijin Tenki: Girls Keep You Updated With Weather Forecast On The iPhone

Bijin Tokei, a company known for having developed a hot girl clock gadget, has recently developed the weather girl iPhone app called Bijin Tenki[J] in partnership with mobile app provider Dwango. On the app, cute girls (no idea on how many girls are involved) will keep you updated with weather forecast for the next seven… Continue reading Bijin Tenki: Girls Keep You Updated With Weather Forecast On The iPhone

Chinamode 2010: 45 Finalists Nominated For China’s Best Web Service Awards (3/3)

(Continued from the previous post.) – – – – – – – – – – Category 7: The Most Remarkable Apps From Outside China Twitter (In Chinese, “推特” Tui-te) is a social micro-blog service.  Its unique and simple architecture have highly contributed to the development of social network services. Kik Messenger is an app of… Continue reading Chinamode 2010: 45 Finalists Nominated For China’s Best Web Service Awards (3/3)

Chinamode 2010: 45 Finalists Nominated For China’s Best Web Service Awards (2/3)

(Continued from the previous post.) – – – – – – – – – – Category 4: Life and Task Management Tool of the Year[C] (微盘) is a Dropbox-like file synchronization and backup service provided by China’s web business tycoon Sina.  It can be linked with your account of Sina’s micro-blog service, which helps… Continue reading Chinamode 2010: 45 Finalists Nominated For China’s Best Web Service Awards (2/3)

Chinamode 2010: 45 Finalists Nominated For China’s Best Web Service Awards (1/3)

Chinamode 2010[C] is a competition to choose the best web services and apps in Mainland China, which is co-organized by 25 tech blogs and 10 tech news media in the country.  Its award-presenting ceremony is scheduled to be held in Beijing on the 24th of this month, where 17 experts from VC firms, tech media… Continue reading Chinamode 2010: 45 Finalists Nominated For China’s Best Web Service Awards (1/3)

Sharp to Introduce International Models Of E-book Reader Galapagos

Sharp announced recently they would introduce the e-book reader Galapagos[J], which was introduced in Japan last October, in U.S and several emerging countries such as Mainland China, India and Brazil.  The current models enable the company’s original e-book format of XMDF, and upcoming models to be sold outside Japan are expected to support e-Pub format… Continue reading Sharp to Introduce International Models Of E-book Reader Galapagos

Nanapi, User-Generated Lifehacks Sharing Service Raises $3.8 Millon

Nanapi [J], a web service to share hacks posted by users, had acquired 3.8 million US dollars from Globis Capital Partners in Tokyo. Nanapi is a service to share life hacks, called as life recipes in this service, posted by users. Users can post their own hacks easily via Nanapi works [J], and can earn… Continue reading Nanapi, User-Generated Lifehacks Sharing Service Raises $3.8 Millon

Samurai Incubate Holds Annual 1-Day Camp For Young CEOs

Samurai Incubate, a Tokyo-based seed accelerator aiming to bring up many tech start-ups, had the second edition[J] of their annual showcase event in late November, which is called Samurai Venture Summit (for short, SVS) and showed us their investing portfolios and pitch presentations by CEOs of tech start-ups.   It was an one-day event using a… Continue reading Samurai Incubate Holds Annual 1-Day Camp For Young CEOs

Startups 2010: CyberAgent Ventures Announces To Invest In Five Tech Start-ups

CyberAgent Ventures[J], an invest arm of Tokyo’s web business conglomerate CyberAgent, previously known as CyberAgent Investment, announced today the result of Startups 2010[J] or their program digging up hidden tech start-ups from Japanese market.  Five teams were chosen to be financially and physically supported by CyberVentures in the program. Totally 108 teams have submitted their… Continue reading Startups 2010: CyberAgent Ventures Announces To Invest In Five Tech Start-ups