Chinamode 2010: 45 Finalists Nominated For China’s Best Web Service Awards (2/3)

(Continued from the previous post.)

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Category 4: Life and Task Management Tool of the Year[C] (微盘) is a Dropbox-like file synchronization and backup service provided by China’s web business tycoon Sina.  It can be linked with your account of Sina’s micro-blog service, which helps you easily share (a) file(s) with multiple contacts.   Up to 2GB storage for free.  Running on Sina App Engine[C]. (Meanwhile, Dropbox is running on Amazon Web Services.)

Dbank[C] (数据银行) is a cloud-based network storage that allows you to share documents among your different terminals and helps you share pictures with your friends.   Up to 5GB storage for free.

Qiangzuo[C] (抢座网) is an online tool for seat booking and ticket sales that helps event organizers.   (Similar to Amiando and Eventbrite)   You may customize an enrollment form as easy as using Google Form, collect and manage the data of event guests and keep them update if any change.  It also helps you let more people know your event activities through major social network services such as Sina (新浪), Renren[C] (人人网) and Kaixin[C] (开心网).

Hozom[C] (火种网) is a secure and convenient address book service.  It provides a great user experience and a user interface, backs up phone numbers of your friends, its contact list feature keeps you update with the realtime status of your friends, and the intelligent search function helps you add users to the list more easily.   Hozom’s client software supports data synchronization with Outlook on your desktop.

“Navigation Desktop[C]” (航海桌面) is a cellphone app that provides the phone’s desktop search, news and weather related information services, smart dialing and speed task switching.  It is available on Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile and Java-enabled handsets.

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Category 5: The Most Remarkable Mobile Apps

“Peapod Mobile Wizard” or Wandoujia[C] (豌豆荚手机精灵) is an Android cellphone management software that allows you to to back up and recover data to your desktop PC, manage address book, download music and video files.   In addition, it enables to download streaming videos from major Chinese video sharing sites such as[C] (优酷网),[C] (土豆网), and Sina Video[C] (新浪视频) and to transcode them for you to watch on your handset. Refer to this on Waybeta for more details.

Viva[C] is an Android e-book reader developed by Beijing-based Viva Co., Ltd(北京维旺明信息技术有限公司).   It allows you to subscribe to periodical e-publications, e-magazines and e-comic titles published in Mainland China and to easily read them on your handset.   Users can choose either way of reading online or reading offline (requiring downloading content files first).

UC Paradise[C] (UC乐园) is a leading social network platform for mobile and has been developed by UC Mobile Limited (优视科技).   Their Flash-based mobile games take the most advantage of your handset’s location-detecting function, and it helps you communicate your friends locating near you and keep you update with what’s happening in your neighborhood.   Popular social games like Jianghu Q Zhuan(江湖Q传), Sunshine Ranch(阳光农场), Car Race Championship (车王争霸) and Fun Aquarium (快乐水族箱) are also available on the platform.

Jiepang[C] (街旁) is a location-based mobile social network service.   In addition to common features for these services, such as updating where you are, who you are and what happens, it allows you to share your location as the forth key as to link your social networking activity to your real life.

Mojichina[C] (墨迹天气) is a free mobile app providing weather forecast for 2,488 cities in the country.  It has a variety of colors and designs, and only less than 2k bytes data traffic is required to update the information by their own data compression technology.

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Category 6: The Most Remarkable Mobile App Community

Engineers previously working with leading Chinese Internet companies like NetDragon Websoft Inc.(网龙), HIAPK[C] (安卓网), UCWeb and Sina (新浪) have come together and founded GOAPK[C] (安智网) in early 2010 for making the best mobile Internet service.  The company introduced GOAPK as their first service, which is an online forum and has earned a large number of users.   Then they introduced the Android app market called GOAPK Market[C] (安智市场) next, where 30 million users have downloaded apps and more than 2,000 users visit every day.

iPhone Chinese Network[C] (iPhone中文网) is an iPhone-related news portal of the country’s largest smartphone news network PTBUS[C] (口袋巴士). It keeps you update with the latest iPhone-related news for 24 hours a day, recommends you a list of convenient and reliable iPhone apps.

Aimi App Store[C] (爱米软件商店) is the place to download Android apps for Chinese Android users.  It provides the users with high-speed app download, real-time app search, introduction to apps, fair evaluation on apps, rankings, and user-friendly interface.

GFan[C] (机锋网) is an online forum focusing on the Chinese Android community and has been previously known as Android Developers Forum[C] (Android开发者论坛) and Android Players Network[C] (中文玩家网).  Now it has more than 100 million registered members, and 100,000 new messages and 10,000 new topics are posted every day.   A total value of USD3.3M (RMB500,000) deals are trading in their app market section, and it is expected to be one of the most influential news media for the Chinese Android community.[C] (威锋网) is the most popular Chinese iPhone community.   More than 60,000 users are participating in the forums categorizing in iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPod Touch, iPhone 3GS, iPad and iPhone 4.   It has more than 1 million visitors and 8 million page views every day.
Author’s Note: Most of the online communities introduced in this category are running on Disquz[C], a web-based bulletin board software developed by Comsenz (康盛创想).
Via: Social Beta [C]

(To be continued to an upcoming post.)

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