Netprint turns the nearest convenience store to your printer

Netprint is an Internet priting service which enables users to print their files through Internet to Seven-eleven convenience store’s printer. Fuji Xerox is providing the service nationwide in Japan. You can upload a PDF, Excel, JPEG files to their server. They will give you a number. Then you can get a print by entering a… Continue reading Netprint turns the nearest convenience store to your printer

Categorized as Japan

RubyKaigi will be held this week

The Japan’s biggest conference on Ruby, RubyKaigi 2008, is going to be held on 20th(fri)-22nd(sun) June. Tickets for main sessions are already sold out. However you can attend to sub-sessions, poster sessions without ticket. I will give a talk as a part of sub-session on 21st (in Japanese).

Cruise & Atlas, a very futuristic working chair with a desk

Ofcourse, you know about Aaron chair of Harman Miller. However, you probably haven’t heard about Cruise & Atlas from Okamura, a Japanese office furniture maker. Cruise & Atlas is a set of chair and desk, which is consisting a mutually dependant pair. It has a really futuristic appearance. It looks like a chair from a… Continue reading Cruise & Atlas, a very futuristic working chair with a desk


Gang Lu, a director of Netvibes Asia, launched a blog aggregation site called OpenWeb.Asia. And we are a proud member of the network. “The OpenWeb.Asia Workgroup is a network of premium blogs focus on Asian Web industry.” OpenWeb.Asia provides an OPML file which can be easily imported to feed readers to subscribe the feeds of… Continue reading OpenWeb.Asia

YAPC::Asia 2008 report: day 1

Today, YAPC::Asia 2008, one of the biggest Perl conference, had been held at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. Serkan, Akky, and I attended the conference. This time, YAPC has three parallel sessions during two days, and number of registered attendees reached 500. With a help of abundant sponsorship from Perl user companies such as Recruit,… Continue reading YAPC::Asia 2008 report: day 1

Actions against Japanese Internet censorship

The Japanese government is planning to legislate regulations of “harmful” Internet content. Now, Liberal Democratic Party‘s Sanae Takaichi is preparing to pass an Internet censorship law. Now several groups are acting against the legislation. Microsoft, Yahoo, Rakuten, DeNA, and NetStar made an official statement against the legislation. One of the leaders of this action is… Continue reading Actions against Japanese Internet censorship