Startup Showdown: Two Business Contests Announce Finalists

A couple of tech-oriented business contests announced the finalists on Friday. At first, Tokyo-based VC firm ngi Group and online game developer Aeria[J] jointly held the 1st edition of business contest for potential student entrepreneurs, which is titled “I-SHIN” meaning revolution in Japanese. The plan entries were open from last April to last May. The… Continue reading Startup Showdown: Two Business Contests Announce Finalists

Japanese P2P Filesharing Network Being Attacked From Cloud

As same as other fields, for point-to-point(P2P) file sharing, there are Japanese counterpart of Kazaa/Limewire/Torrent. Once it was Winny, but after the developer of Winny was prosecuted for making a file sharing application which possibly leads copyrighted material distribution and the development ceased, the open source successor Share took the position of the most popular… Continue reading Japanese P2P Filesharing Network Being Attacked From Cloud

Search engine Baidu to offer e-commerce support in China for Japanese companies

Another case of Chinese and Japanese web companies shaking hands. Chinese search engine Baidu is a super-power in its home market and has, as the company’s first regular service outside of China, launched a Japanese version ( back in 2007. Expectedly still struggling to gain market share from established players like Google and Yahoo, Baidu’s… Continue reading Search engine Baidu to offer e-commerce support in China for Japanese companies Fundraises USD3.37M From NTT

Japanese telecom giant NTT and Cerego Japan, an owner of a UGC-based social learning site known as iKnow!), announced both had reached the agreement of the partnership in boosting online education business.   NTT is now considering to set up a new subsidiary focusing on online education business, and will create a number of mash-up… Continue reading Fundraises USD3.37M From NTT

Japan’s First Android Phone HT-03A By NTT DoCoMo

Last night, before the release of the first Android phone in Japan [J], NTT DoCoMo, Google and HTC Nippon(=Japan) had a “touch and try” event with 70 bloggers at Roppongi Hills. The new phone HT-03A [J] is based on HTC Magic, with some customization for Japanese market. Japanese Input Method Omron’s iWnn is bundled. Wnn… Continue reading Japan’s First Android Phone HT-03A By NTT DoCoMo

Two Ventures Jointly Introduce E-Publishing Business Targeting Android Users

Probably this move must prepare for the market deployment of a brand new Android phone from NTT DoCoMo[J], which is scheduled to start tomorrow, Celsys, a Shinjuku-based developer of e-book online viewer, and Voyager[J], a Shibuya-based e-book and e-magazine publisher, jointly announced today they would release an online publication viewer for Android handsets on the… Continue reading Two Ventures Jointly Introduce E-Publishing Business Targeting Android Users

Ad Agency Giant Lets Publishers Digitize Their Business, Now More Than Ever

Dentsu, the world’s largest ad agency, announced today it would join forces with Yappa, an iPhone/iPod software developer which is strong in developing e-publication online reader, and launch a marketplace dealing with digital periodicals this summer.  Twenty publishers will put their thirty magazines on sale at the marketplace called Magastore[J]. Magastore uses an original DRM… Continue reading Ad Agency Giant Lets Publishers Digitize Their Business, Now More Than Ever

Rakuten To Start P2P Online Political Donations For The First Time In Japan

Rakuten, one of Japan’s e-commerce giants, announced it would start a service enlightening voters on political participation in late July. The website accepts credit cards to donate your money to politicians whom you support. In the previous U.S. presidential election last year, Barack Obama carried a large amount of money from individual fundraisers on the… Continue reading Rakuten To Start P2P Online Political Donations For The First Time In Japan

Chinese newspapers (in their entirety) to come to the iPhone in Chinese, English and Japanese

Beijing-based mega technology conglomerate Peking University Founder Group Corporation has announced a new iPhone application that will make it possible for iPhone users in Japan to read five major Chinese newspapers in their entirety. Founder’s Japanese arm [JP], based in Tokyo, will launch the app as early as next month (press release in Japanese). For… Continue reading Chinese newspapers (in their entirety) to come to the iPhone in Chinese, English and Japanese

iPhone 3GS Keeps No.1 In Japan On Its 2nd Week

This is a follow-up article on the news of iPhone sales in Japan. BCN weekly ranking [J] is updated and now we are seeing a weekly ranking for June 29th to July 5th. The newly introduced iPhone 3GS 32GB stays at the top position, whilst the 16GB loses No.2 position taken back by Sharp SH-06A.… Continue reading iPhone 3GS Keeps No.1 In Japan On Its 2nd Week