Toothbrushing Anime Girls Game Coming

Hamigakibiyori (means “A good day to brush teeth” in Japanese), a free iPhone game on which you can brush teeth of several anime girls, is planned to release soon, “Unless rejected by Apple” as the official says. By good brushing, you gain “love points”, by which you may purchase new toothbrushes. via Inside Toothbrushing Anime… Continue reading Toothbrushing Anime Girls Game Coming

Facebook Adds QR-Code to Add Friends via 2D Barcode for Japan

AndroWire reported that Facebook added a new QR Code profile feature only for Japanese users. Facebook users on iOS and Android can show a QR Code from a user profile, on which others can access and request to be a Facebook friend. Early this week, Facebook released stamps on comments feature for Japan, at now… Continue reading Facebook Adds QR-Code to Add Friends via 2D Barcode for Japan

Yahoo! Japan Mail Troubled – 3.8 Million Users Affected

NikkeiBP reported that 3,794,777 379,4777 Yahoo! Japan Mail users were unable to access the service since around 9:30 a.m. September 30. The number of affected users is about 8% of whole 50 million users. Troubled hardware are being replaced and are supposed to resume tomorrow, October 3. official release Yahoo! Japan Mail Troubled – 3.8… Continue reading Yahoo! Japan Mail Troubled – 3.8 Million Users Affected

Amazon Japan Makes Larger Mailbox for their Parcels

According to IT Media [J], Amazon Japan, Japan Post and Nasta jointly designed a new mailbox, which allows people to receive larger boxes, reduce redelivers. On Amazon’s product review, already 7 users reviewed with averaged 1.5 stars. Most say that 32,000 yen (already 35% off though) is too expensive. One points out that Amazon’s parcels… Continue reading Amazon Japan Makes Larger Mailbox for their Parcels

Photo Tweet A Minute Before Today’s Volcano Eruption Worried

A Japanese hiker @setori_ tweeted with a photo around a crater on Mt. Ontake, Nagano. 一人でのんびり御嶽山(^^) — enari (@setori_) September 27, 2014 The tweet’s time 11:52 a.m is just one minute before the mountain erupted. There are no newer tweets from this person and Japanese web users are anxious. [Update] Video by another hiker… Continue reading Photo Tweet A Minute Before Today’s Volcano Eruption Worried

Mixi To Replace CEO President After One Year

Today Mixi announced [J] that Yusuke Asakura, who took the lead at long-struggling Japanese Facebook rival since last June, will be replaced with Hiroki Morita, an executive officer managing the recent hit social game Monster Strike. The release said that this financial year Mixi will get black inc, moves from its business reconstruction phase to… Continue reading Mixi To Replace CEO President After One Year