E-mail Mistakenly Addressed to Mr./Ms. “Blacklist”

Mainichi reports[ja] that Minnano Seimei Hoken Advisor, a web service provides life insurance review, sent e-mails started with “To: Blacklist-sama” about 2,000 its customers by mistake. Power Planning, the company who runs the site, told to Mainichi that the customers received those mails are not the one on their real black lists, if you believe… Continue reading E-mail Mistakenly Addressed to Mr./Ms. “Blacklist”

Yahoo! Japan Mail Troubled – 3.8 Million Users Affected

NikkeiBP reported that 3,794,777 379,4777 Yahoo! Japan Mail users were unable to access the service since around 9:30 a.m. September 30. The number of affected users is about 8% of whole 50 million users. Troubled hardware are being replaced and are supposed to resume tomorrow, October 3. official release Yahoo! Japan Mail Troubled – 3.8… Continue reading Yahoo! Japan Mail Troubled – 3.8 Million Users Affected

Big Chainstores Troubled With Social Media Photos Of Their Stupid Part Timers

My monthly column on The Japan Times this month was about young part time workers photo troubles over Twitter. It was not possible to post the inconsiderate photos there, so I put some links for people who want to see the photos. A summary site someone collected the problematic photos [J] (because most case the… Continue reading Big Chainstores Troubled With Social Media Photos Of Their Stupid Part Timers

Rakuten’s New Grocery Delivery Service Expantion Troubled In Poor Operation

Rakuten Mart, a new online grocery delivery service run by Japan’s giant e-commerce mall company Rakuten, expanded its delivery areas in Greater Tokyo on March 11, is failing to deliver the ordered foods, lots of bad reviews start circulating on the web. Rakuten’s own review service is getting harsh reviews, many tells that their ordering… Continue reading Rakuten’s New Grocery Delivery Service Expantion Troubled In Poor Operation

Naver Line Is Down

Naver LINE is down after the midnight, October 31st. The official’s Twitter account says, 【障害報告】現在、LINEのアプリ・PC版等全デバイスにおいて全機能が利用できない不具合が発生しております。復旧にむけて原因調査対応中です。ご不便をおかけし申し訳ありません。復旧次第、ご報告致します。 #LINE — LINE (@LINEjp_official) October 30, 2012 “All functions of both Apps and PC versions LINE are not working now. We are investigating now and will let you know as soon as we recover.” at 01:17 a.m. Twitter’s top trends… Continue reading Naver Line Is Down

Yahoo! Japan’s Hosting Company First Server Suffering Massive Down – Possible Data Lost?

First Server, a subsidiary of Yahoo! Japan, has been having service troubles since around 17:30 June 20. There are several web services observed to be down, who explained on temporary error pages that their services are down because of the hosting service’s glitch. According to RBB Today [J], on the servers on 5 services, the… Continue reading Yahoo! Japan’s Hosting Company First Server Suffering Massive Down – Possible Data Lost?

Livestar Securities Erased All Database By Human-caused Mistake, Orders Went Away

Livestar Securities Co., Ltd., a Japanese online brokerage service issued a released to apologize its trouble started around 10 a.m., during trading time on December 27. Livestar Securities web transaction service was completely inaccessible over 4 hours from 10 a.m. to 2:05 p.m. In their announcement, the trouble was caused by an outsourced company removing… Continue reading Livestar Securities Erased All Database By Human-caused Mistake, Orders Went Away

Docomo Suspends New Android T-01D Sale On The Launch Day

Docomo started to sell Regza Phone T-01D [J], Fujitsu-Toshiba Android phone November 18, but in the afternoon it stopped selling and announced that the handset has malfunction [J]. Docomo had been selling 5,200 of T-01D until 17:00, and 245 of the purchasers reported issues that they could not call or access the web. via Ketai… Continue reading Docomo Suspends New Android T-01D Sale On The Launch Day