Japan’s National Election with Vocaloid

Upper house election finished tonight 20:00 Sunday, July 21. This time, the use of the Internet was allowed first time in history. So far, there are no prominent Internet using candidate reported though. Another small difference which some people noticed this time is the usage of Vocaloid, human-voice music synthesizer software which might be best… Continue reading Japan’s National Election with Vocaloid

CyberAgent Teens Division Releases Girls Community “Make Me”

The teens division of CyberAgent [J] has released the cute self-photo and makeup research community for teen girls Make me [J]. The teens division is a post designated for developing smartphone services for high school girls, and up until this time has been offering the smartphone decorative homepage service “Candy,” the photo only profile service… Continue reading CyberAgent Teens Division Releases Girls Community “Make Me”

Robot For Smartphone Coin Pusher Games

A Twitter user @suzuki_jidouka (Suzuki is a Japanese surname, jidouka means automation) showed that he had created a robot for his little sister who wants to earn more coins on coin pusher game on smartphone. 妹から『コイン落としのゲームで効率的に稼ぎたいからスマホ画面を1秒間に2回くらい一晩中タップし続ける機械が作れないか』と,かなりヨコシマな打診あり。仕方ないので作成。子供がいるので安全性の配慮となるべくシンプルな作りに気をつけたつもり pic.twitter.com/BF1eDusFOK — 鈴木自動化 (@suzuki_jidouka) June 2, 2013 The sister asked him if she would earn points effectively by tapping… Continue reading Robot For Smartphone Coin Pusher Games

Official Release Of Beautiful Girl Social Game Platform “Nijiyome”

Eisys, Inc. [J] has officially released the beautiful girls social game platform Nijiyome [J] in Japan.  Also, continuing on from the beta opening, they are carrying out a campaign where you can receive “Niji Coins,” the virtual currency used in “Nijiyome.” “Nijiyome” is a platform for social games where beautiful girl characters appear; the key… Continue reading Official Release Of Beautiful Girl Social Game Platform “Nijiyome”

Yahoo! Japan Hacked Accounts: 1.5 Million Users Might Be More Unsecure

Today, Yahoo! Japan official blog published the follow-up announcement [J] of the possible 22 million account name leaks on 17th. According to it, further investigation reached the conclusion that more data beyond account name could be brought out for 1.486 million accounts. The data are non-decrypt-able password (password hash, I guess) and information used when… Continue reading Yahoo! Japan Hacked Accounts: 1.5 Million Users Might Be More Unsecure

Mixi Closes “Mixi Video” And “Mixi Coworker’s Network”

mixi, Inc. [J] has announced the termination of service for “mixi coworker’s network” and mixi video [J] on the SNS “mixi.” Service for “Mixi coworker’s network” began in June of 2010, and it allows you to find coworkers who register their place of work at the same company as yourself.  Also, “Mixi video” is Mixi’s… Continue reading Mixi Closes “Mixi Video” And “Mixi Coworker’s Network”

Facebook Japan Replaces Its Head Following To Mixi

3 days ago we reported that Mixi is to have a young new president. Now Facebook Japan announced that a new president, according to Markezine [J]. Same as Mixi, this is the first time of presidency change. Atsuhi Iwashita, who is going to take the president seat on May 20, have served as CEO for… Continue reading Facebook Japan Replaces Its Head Following To Mixi

Japan’s Most Annoying Website To Be Shut Down Soon

ITMedia reports that the notorious website of Aiseikai Hospital is planned to be closed within 2 months, a son of the hospital head revealed on his Twitter account @miya_blu_swing. The tweet [J] has been retweeted more than 2,000 times. The screenshot above can not show you the vividness of the site. You should check it… Continue reading Japan’s Most Annoying Website To Be Shut Down Soon