Facebook Featured By Media Like Last Year’s Twitter In Japan

Weekly Diamond, Japanese business magazine featured Facebook for over 30 pages. Weekly Diamond 2011-01-29 As you see, the magazine cover has a lot of Facebook icons which were asked on Facebook by the editors. The first page shows applied readers’ Facebook icons, too. The sections are “What is Facebook?”, “Facebook Guide to start today” and… Continue reading Facebook Featured By Media Like Last Year’s Twitter In Japan

Weekly Diamond Featured Twitter For 40 Pages, Reprinted

One of the most read Japanese business magazine (such like Forbes or Businessweek), Shuukan Daiyamondo(Weekly Diamond) January 23th 2010 issue, featured Twitter as a special topic for 40 pages. Both of the cover of the magazine and the first page of the featured section, thousands of Japanese Twitter user icons, which had been called for… Continue reading Weekly Diamond Featured Twitter For 40 Pages, Reprinted