Twitter Japan And Mixi To Announce Something On 30th

ITMedia reported [J] today that Twitter Japan and Mixi, Japan’s largest social networking service as a Facebook-kind-of, will held a joint press conference next Wednesday, November 30 with Twitter Japan Country Manager James Masaakira Kondo (@jameskondo) and Mixi CEO Kenji Kasahara (Mixi profile [J]). It is not disclosed what will be announced there. Mixi is… Continue reading Twitter Japan And Mixi To Announce Something On 30th

Facebook Featured By Media Like Last Year’s Twitter In Japan

Weekly Diamond, Japanese business magazine featured Facebook for over 30 pages. Weekly Diamond 2011-01-29 As you see, the magazine cover has a lot of Facebook icons which were asked on Facebook by the editors. The first page shows applied readers’ Facebook icons, too. The sections are “What is Facebook?”, “Facebook Guide to start today” and… Continue reading Facebook Featured By Media Like Last Year’s Twitter In Japan