Japanese Legal Advice Service Bengo4.com To Go IPO

Tokyo Stock Exchange Today announced that Bengo4.com(pronounced bengo-shi-dotto-komu, bengoshi means layer in Japanese) will be listed to its Mothers section on December 11. Bengo4.com is a portal site serving legal FAQ, legal news/column publishing, layer matching, etc. Japanese Legal Advice Service Bengo4.com To Go IPO

Location Service Colopl To Get IPO On TSE Mothers In December

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers section today announced [J] that Colopl, an Tokyo-based IT company who runs the same name Internet location service Colopl, is approved to be listed planned on December 13th, 2012. The Japanese location service, though its number of user 2.5 million was passed by US Foursquare by number of users recent years,… Continue reading Location Service Colopl To Get IPO On TSE Mothers In December

Istyle(@cosme) Goes IPO On TSE Mothers

(@cosme’s tag line on the logo is “site of everyone’s word of mouth”) Istyle [J], who runs Japan’s top cosmetic products review site @Cosme, announced [J] on February 3, 2012, that they will be listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers (Tosho Mothers) planned on March 8, 2012. The company was established in 1999, and its… Continue reading Istyle(@cosme) Goes IPO On TSE Mothers

Cookpad’s Listing To Be Transfered To The First Section

The Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) announced Wednesday it will elevate Cookpad, a Tokyo-based recipe web service operator, to the First Section from the Mothers Section effective December 15. Moving from Mothers or the second section to the first section generally means that the company is evaluated better, stable. Early this year, I wrote how Rakuten… Continue reading Cookpad’s Listing To Be Transfered To The First Section

eBook Initiative Japan Goes IPO

eBook Initiative Japan Co., Ltd., who runs Japanese online e-book mall eBookJapan [J], announced that their IPO at Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers section has been approved [J]. The planned date is October 28. eBookJapan started selling online book since year 2000, when the company was established. The site now boasts 50,000 e-books, 80% of which… Continue reading eBook Initiative Japan Goes IPO

Social Game Vendor Klab Goes IPO On TSE Mothers

KLab [J], a social game vendor announced [J] that they will be listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers (Tosho Mothers) planned on September 27, 2011. The company was originally established as an research and development section of CyBird, one of the most successful mobile contents providers for i-mode, Docomo’s feature phone web portal. After leaving… Continue reading Social Game Vendor Klab Goes IPO On TSE Mothers