Twitter Japan And Mixi To Announce Something On 30th

ITMedia reported [J] today that Twitter Japan and Mixi, Japan’s largest social networking service as a Facebook-kind-of, will held a joint press conference next Wednesday, November 30 with Twitter Japan Country Manager James Masaakira Kondo (@jameskondo) and Mixi CEO Kenji Kasahara (Mixi profile [J]). It is not disclosed what will be announced there. Mixi is… Continue reading Twitter Japan And Mixi To Announce Something On 30th

Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano Becomes Fan-made Anime

Yukio Edano (Wikipedia), Japanese cabinet’s chief secretary in Kan government, who has been a spokesperson on the East Japan Earthquake/Tsunami/Nuclear Crisis, got himself a name from Japanese, especially from web users by his non-stopping work which is likened to Jack Bauer. This time, a professional Japanese anime creator Yosuke Kihara [J], known by “Conie-chan” on… Continue reading Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano Becomes Fan-made Anime

Niconico Douga SP1 and its expanding reach

Niwango hold a press conference about its Niconico Douga‘s update release “SP1” (upgraded from “RC2”) on March 5th 13:00 (JST). Current statistics of Niconico Douga provided by director Seiji Sugimoto: 5.6 million registered users 1.14 million of users using cellularphone version 189 thousands paid users listed on NTT Docomo’s i-mode official site Ads sale in… Continue reading Niconico Douga SP1 and its expanding reach