GPM Anime Challenge is an anime character making contest run by NASA and JAXA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. Overview Anime is a Japanese style of animation popular around the world. Anime characters have filled television shows and comics, and inspired costumes and educational activities. The Global Precipitation Measurement Mission (GPM) and our partners at the… Continue reading NASA and JAXA Runs Character Contest
Spacecraft Carrying Asteroid Sample Returns; Landing Process To Be Ustreamed From Australian Desert
Hayabusa (peregrine falcon in Japanese) is an unmanned space mission to return a sample of material from the asteroid Itokawa. The spacecraft launched from Japan seven years ago, and succeeded to land on the asteroid. It is now returning to the earth and will be landing in Woomera Prohibited Area, Australia today. The final landing… Continue reading Spacecraft Carrying Asteroid Sample Returns; Landing Process To Be Ustreamed From Australian Desert
How Do The Venusians See The Earth’s Cyberculture?
JAXA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency will launch the venus climate orbiter named “Akatsuki” meaning dawn in Japanese this morning. It will be launched at 6:58:22 a.m. on Friday in J.S.T. or 21:58:22 p.m. on Thursday in U.T.C. The scene of the orbiter’s launch will be streamcast live on several major video networks. Video source: ANN… Continue reading How Do The Venusians See The Earth’s Cyberculture?
Google Joins Forces With Japanese Astro Labs To Create Virtual Moon
In commemorating the 40th anniversary of the first human landing to the moon, on Tuesday, Google introduced a 3D map showing you the entire surface of the moon, named “Moon in Google Earth”, which is available on version 5.0 or later of Google Earth. Besides moon surface photos supplied by NASA, Japanese astronomical laboratories such… Continue reading Google Joins Forces With Japanese Astro Labs To Create Virtual Moon
Total Solar Eclipse Of July 22nd: Where Are You Tracking It?
In the morning of July 22nd (Wed), 2009, we witness this century’s most perfect solar eclipse in the regions of Central Asia, South East Asia, Japan and Micronesia. The eclipse can be observed from 9:30am to 0:30pm. J.S.T.(Japan Standard Time), which is 0:30am to 3:30am U.T.C.(Universal Time Coordinated) on the same day. Several companies and… Continue reading Total Solar Eclipse Of July 22nd: Where Are You Tracking It?