Japan Gov. Requests The Internet To Delete False Disaster Rumors

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications(MIC) announced [J] that they had requested four Internet related organizations to delete “false rumors” on online bulletin boards “to keep safety and peace of mind in disastrous area”. The four organizations are, Telecommunications Carriers Association(TCA), Telecom Services Association(TELESA) [J], Japan Internet Providers Association(JAIPA) and Japan Cable and Telecommunications Association(JCTA).… Continue reading Japan Gov. Requests The Internet To Delete False Disaster Rumors

Kanazawa Mayor Candidate Challenges Twitter-Banning Japan’s Election System

On November 28th at Kanazawa city, Ishikawa prefecture, Japan there was a mayor election. The two leading candidates, incumbent Tamotsu Yamade [J], 79, and Yukiyoshi Yamano [J], 48, competed closely, gained 56,840 and 58,204 votes respectively. Only 1,364 difference. The things causing a fuss is, the young winner Yamano’s team reportedly had been using Twitter… Continue reading Kanazawa Mayor Candidate Challenges Twitter-Banning Japan’s Election System

Internet Ads Overtakes Newspaper To Become No.2 After Television In Japan

Dentsu Inc., Japan’s largest advertisement agency, published its annual Japan’s advertising expenditures report. [J, pdf] According to the report, Dentsu estimates that advertisers spend 7.77 billion USD (1.2% growth) more on the Internet than on newspaper advertising 7.40 billion in 2009, first time in history. The No.1 television earned 18.84 billion, which is 10.2% decreased.… Continue reading Internet Ads Overtakes Newspaper To Become No.2 After Television In Japan

Blame Internet Over The Fewest Homicides. What!?

Two of Japan’s most authoritative newspapers, Asahi Shimbun and Nikkei Shimbun both put a very similar notes on their front editorial on January 29th, which made net users upset. Both referred the statistical trend which had been announced by The National Police Agency. The number of homicides and homicide attempts in 2009 was 1,097, and… Continue reading Blame Internet Over The Fewest Homicides. What!?