Japan Has iPad(Aipad) – It’s Hi Tech Adult Diaper

Last article, I wrote Fujitsu’s iPad is only for USA market so this time Apple would not have a trademark problem in Japan… Maybe wrong. ITMedia found [J] a sensor-ready adult absorbent brief product [J] by a company called Awajitec [J], named “あいパッド”, which pronounce exactly same as iPad in Japanese. Although the product page’s… Continue reading Japan Has iPad(Aipad) – It’s Hi Tech Adult Diaper

iPad-Fujitsu Trademark Conflict Sounds Familiar In Japan

Apple’s “revolutionary” tablet PC iPad name collides with Fujitsu US’s shop clerk gear which exists for 8 years. (Engadget goes deeper) That may remind US people Apple and Cisco’s issue around the iPhone brand. To Japanese, “Aiphone” story is familiar. When Apple brought iPhone into Japan, they faced a similar issue against another Japanese “intercom”… Continue reading iPad-Fujitsu Trademark Conflict Sounds Familiar In Japan