Sassor Urgently Introduces Power-saving Support Device To Meet Consumer Needs On Time

Due to the tragedic accident of the Fukushima nuclear power plant that was caused by the massive earthquake on March 11, Eastern Japan and the Tokyo Metropolitan Area are still afraid of unpredictable and large-scale blackouts.  In town, or at railway stations, we see many digital signboards that shows us a real-time statistics of power… Continue reading Sassor Urgently Introduces Power-saving Support Device To Meet Consumer Needs On Time

Docomo Opens Official Facebook Page

Docomo, Japan’s No.1 cellphone carrier, has opened an official Facebook page today. “New Smartphone Review” page introduces their latest 9 smartphones and asked users to comment. “Message Card” corner lets you send a Docomodake message card to your Facebook friends. Docomodake is a mashroom character of Docomo. No.2 KDDI au announced its alliance with Facebook… Continue reading Docomo Opens Official Facebook Page

NHK To Start Internet Simalcast Radio

AV Watch reports [J] that NHK(Japan Broadcasting Corporation) is going to broadcast its three radio channels, Radio1/2 and NHK FM, over the internet from September 1st. Those simulcast channel will be listened on website on PC. For Smartphone(Android/iPhone), apps will be released after October 1st. Some private radio stations have already been airing their program… Continue reading NHK To Start Internet Simalcast Radio

Crowsnest – Twitter Newsreader Service In English And Japanese

Rmake launched Crowsnest as a Beta service. When logging in by Twitter authentication, you will see latest news on tweets under several several tabs. Tabs are like your regular “timeline”, popular links from tweets by people you are “following”, Yours tweets, Your following marked, some auto-categorized news of IT, live videos, images and blogs. You… Continue reading Crowsnest – Twitter Newsreader Service In English And Japanese

Qomune To Begin Asian Tour To Meet J-Fashion Lovers And Tech Start-ups

Qomune[J], a Tokyo-based start-up providing a web-based platform that collects your shopping history from major online retailers and allows you to share your shopping experience with others at ease, is about to leave the company’s hometown for a two-week tour to Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. In addition to their first service for Japanese… Continue reading Qomune To Begin Asian Tour To Meet J-Fashion Lovers And Tech Start-ups

Japan’s Foreign Ministry Opens Twitter And Facebook Accounts

Back in March, right after the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, the Prime Minister’s Office opened a Twitter account first before launching a Facebook page just a few days later. And yesterday, the country’s Ministry Of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) decided it’s time to do the same. According to Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto, the move to… Continue reading Japan’s Foreign Ministry Opens Twitter And Facebook Accounts

KDDI Develops A Sysytem To Convert Video/Photos Into Comic-Style Album

KDDI R&D Labs announced today that they developed a new system which can generate naturally arranged photo album in comic-style sequence of frames from video and photos. Here is an example of the generated album from an wedding photos. According to the release [J, pdf], it is humdrum to line up the same shaped photos.… Continue reading KDDI Develops A Sysytem To Convert Video/Photos Into Comic-Style Album

Nicofarre – Nico Nico Douga To Reincarnate Legendary Roppongi Disco

Nico Nico Douga, Japanese online movie sharing service which differentiates itself against YouTube with comments overlay-display, announced some news [J] at its first user conference in oversea, Taipei, Taiwan [zh]. One of the news is that Nico Nico Douga is planning to open a nightclub with 5 huge LED wallscreens with projecting its movies and… Continue reading Nicofarre – Nico Nico Douga To Reincarnate Legendary Roppongi Disco