Yahoo! Japan is worth $28billion

The market capitalization of Yahoo! Japan stands at $28 billion (as of Feb. 2008). Telecommunications conglomerate Softbank is the largest shareholder, holding 41% of the company’s shares. Yahoo! owns 33.4% of Yahoo! Japan’s shares. Microsoft’s bid for Yahoo! is $44.6 billion while Yahoo!’s share of Yahoo! Japan is worth $9.3 billion.

Takigawa Christel Generator

Takigawa Lardux Christel Masami, born 1977, is a Japanese news anchor. She has become an internet phenomenon in Japan like Mélissa Theuriau. A website called Gedo-style created a funny image generator called ‘Takigawa Christel generator‘ which creates a video capture image with a fake caption. See Also: A youtube movie of Christel Takigawa A youtube… Continue reading Takigawa Christel Generator

Categorized as Japan, Joke

Mobage goes to the US

January 18th, Tokyo – DeNA, a company which runs Mobage town, will establish a subsidiary in the states. “DeNA Global,Inc.” will be located in California, supposedly San Francisco Bayarea. They will launch a US version of their very profitable mobile business there. Also they revised upward their net profit forecast from 4.5 billion to 6.3… Continue reading Mobage goes to the US

Major tech conferences in Japan

Here’s the list of the biggest community-based developer’s conferences in Japan. Please leave a comment if I forgot to mention your favorite conference. YAPC::Asia Tokyo YAPC::Asia Tokyo (Yet Another Perl Conference) had been held twice, and was very successful. YAPC officially adopts two languages (Japanese and English), and many speakers attended from different countries. Previously… Continue reading Major tech conferences in Japan

Toughbook: Japan’s favorite notebook

Q: What is the favorite notebook brand with Japanese developers? MacBook? maybe. Vaio? no. It’s Toughbook. Toughbook business laptops are marketed with ‘Let’s note’ brand in Japan. This ultra-light notebook has a surprisingly large share amongst Japanese developers. If you are looking for light (940g~1.5kg. 2lbs~3.3lbs), tough (water resistant) and long battery life (>6hours) notebook,… Continue reading Toughbook: Japan’s favorite notebook

Mobile phone companies to filter web content for minors

Mobage town, a social network and gaming site for mobile phones, is now in deep crisis. From December 10th, the Japanese government has requested mobiles phone companies to filter web content for minors. The filtering policy is very strict. It prohibits minors from accessing web sites in ‘communication’ criterion. ‘communication’ means all web sites with… Continue reading Mobile phone companies to filter web content for minors