Major tech conferences in Japan

Here’s the list of the biggest community-based developer’s conferences in Japan. Please leave a comment if I forgot to mention your favorite conference.

YAPC::Asia Tokyo

YAPC::Asia Tokyo (Yet Another Perl Conference) had been held twice, and was very successful. YAPC officially adopts two languages (Japanese and English), and many speakers attended from different countries. Previously Audrey Tang from Taiwan, did a great talk on Haskell.


RubyKaigi 2008 will be held in Tsukuba on June 20th-22nd. English speakers are expected to talk. Here is the CFP. The deadline is 17th February. Previously David Heinemeier Hansson (Ruby on Rails developer), and Dave Thomas (author of Programming Ruby) gave keynotes.

Developers Summit

Developers Summit 2008 will be held on February 13th-14th. Joel Spolsky will talk. The conference is held by Shoeisha, a software book publisher. I’ve never attended this conference before.

Open Source Conferences

Open Source Conferences are held in many cities in Japan by Toru Miyahara, the president of a company called I’m not sure there was any English speaker in OSC before, but they may welcome English presentation or booth.

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  1. Wow. This is such a great piece. I don’t think too many resources have listed this before. I’ve also seen many people bookmark and Tweet about this page already.
    Congratulations. Great blog. You guys are doing a SUPER job!

  2. Thank you so much, Robert!
    I forgot to mention that Larry Wall and Matz gave keynotes at YAPC and Rubykaigi, respectively 🙂

  3. Also I should noted Park Ji-in from Korea brought the house down with a joke in perfect Japanese at Rubykaigi 2007. It’s quite international, isn’t it?

  4. Well I’m not sure I’d quite call it a conference (yet :-), but we get a good number of developers at the monthly event.
    I’ve had a few requests for special sessions for developers so I think there is a need for more. Will have to see if we can put something together over the coming months.

  5. Another major tech conference is LL *, the conference for Lightweight Language users.
    – LL Sarturday (2003)
    – LL Weekend (2004)
    – LL Day and Night (2005)
    – LL Ring (2006)
    – LL Spirit (2007)
    LL 2008 will be held on August 30th in Nakano Zero hall.

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