“Bakuon Sentai Sumpu Ranger[J]“, or the roaring squadron Sumpu ranger, is a popular local rock band originating in Hamamatsu City which is well-known as the birthplace of Honda Motor, Suzuki Motor, Yamaha and Kawai Musical Instruments.
The band composed a song to call the local people’s attention to the dangers of phishing scams, and the song was published on crime-prevention and police-related information portal site “Police Channel[J]“.
Hamamatsu is also known for eel farming and their locals’ honesty, so they rarely question strangers. Police say this local characteristic is reflected in the high number of scam victims — the prefecture that Hamamatsu City belongs to recorded the highest number of phishing scam crimes among all prefectures in Japan.
The local heroes lend the people a helping hand to rehabilitate themselves.
- Download an MP3 music file (6.7MB 5 mins. 39 secs.)
- Download a PDF file of the song’s lyrics (110KB)
Via Impress BB Watch[J] and IT Media News[J]
(edited by Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine)