ex-Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie Begins Twitter and Got 2,500 Followers in 5 Hours

Takafumi Horie, aka Horiemon, who founded livedoor, one of the Japanese major web companies, who was arrested by securities fraud in 2006, began twitter and quickly getting thousands of followers in hours today.
His first post [J] was “I started twitter. I’m thinking what to eat for lunch”. Later he reported he had eaten squid ink pasta and soup.
After his original popular CEO blog on livedoor was shut down after the incident, he left the livedoor board but still keeps 17.25% stocks. He started another blog [J] in August 2008 on Ameblo [J], which is operated by CyberAgent which CEO is his close ally Susumu Fujita [J].
After 10 tweets and 4,382 followers at this point, he only follows only one, another successful web entrepreneur friend Masatoshi Kumagai [J], CEO of GMO Internet [J].
As Japanese twitter has not growing as fast as English one, and unlike English, celebrities are already active on (regular) blogs and have not come into twitter world much, 4,000 followers in hours is pretty fast. That shows many web users are highly interested in Horie’s words, thoughts and activities.

See Also:

BBC NEWS | Business | Japanese tycoon guilty of fraud
Takafumi Horie | Japan — Business People Technology | www.japaninc.com


  1. As far as I see the screenshot that you put as an example, didn’t he tweet with grabbing the handle of his favourite car on the move? If so, he will be punished in terms of violating traffic rules. I don’t think such a twitter addict guy has parked a car on the roadside in order to post a tweet.

  2. Does he drive by himself? I agree he sounds like a person who manages everything by himself, even though he is rich enough to hire bunch of people. But that is hard to see from the tweets.

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