Mixi Intoduces New Features of “MyMixi of MyMixi” and “Footprint of My Own”

 Mixi's logo
Japan’s most popular SNS “Mixi” introduced new two feature deployments today, especially on so-called “footprint” feature.
You may have your own site on Mixi, and Mixi’s footprint feature allows to show you on the list when and which other Mixi users have visited your site.   With today’s system renewal, new icons are prepared for “My Mixi of My Mixi” etc., that means your friend’s friend on Mixi.   Previously the system had only an icon of “My Mixi” meaning your friend on Mixi, there was nothing marked for the visitors other than your “My Mixi”.
Mixi says, the brandnew icons make you easier to find how the relationship between you and every visitor to your site is.
Additionally, newly introduced “Footprint of My Own” shows you the nickname list of Mixi users whose sites you’ve visited.    Just in case for unintentionally you’ve visited a stranger’s site, you may remove your record from the stranger’s footprint log.
Legend of Icons prepared for Mixi’s Footprint Feature
Legend of Icons
Sample Image of “Footprint of My Own” containing  Brandnew Icons on the Nickname List
Footprint of Your Own

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