NTT Com Buys Digital Forest For $24M

NTT Communications annouced yesterday to acquire 100% shares of Digital Forest for 2.46 billion yen ($24M).
Digital Forest is a company which focuses on Web marketing technology and solutions. They sell an access log analysis tool Visionalist for high-end customers, and also provide web / search engine consulting and solutions service too.
NTT Communications is one of the world’s biggest telecommunications companies, and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone.
This deal is good news for Japanese startup industry. Acquiring tech startup by old big company is considered unusual deal in Japan. Also, deal amount is usually not disclosed, even if that kind of deal happens.
See Also:

  1. March 25, 2009: NTT Com and Digital Forest to Develop Web Analytics Solutions

via Venture View [JP]

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