Jedi Of Japanese Traditional Swordplay

Tenshinshō-den Katori Shintō Ryū is a Japanese martial arts said to be established around 15th century. And the word Jedi might be from Japanese, this mash-up seems so natural. originally from Nico Nico Douga, [nicodo]sm14793726[/nicodo] The original Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto-ryu film is here, via @yando

Japonizer – Japanese Traditional Background Image Generator

Japonizer is an web generator for background image, which generates images of traditional Japanese patterns. You choose one out of around 30 provided traditional patterns, set a size and change colours if you want. You may download and use it for your blog, twitter or so. The service is a part of [J], a… Continue reading Japonizer – Japanese Traditional Background Image Generator

Ultra High-speed Japanese Typing On iPhone

It is known that Japanese high school girls type Japanese so fast on feature phone 10 digits key, but this person on iPhone could be faster than they. On Japanese flick input training app, he writes up 45 letters/5 phrases in 6.99 seconds, which is 386 letters per minute. [Update] Another high-speed iPhone Japanese type… Continue reading Ultra High-speed Japanese Typing On iPhone

Evernote for i-mode Released For Docomo Feature Phone

Evernote, a popular note-taking service, who has achieved a big, maybe bigger success in Japan than elsewhere, launched a new app to cover majority of Japanese cellphone users on Docomo i-mode, which is a mobile internet service subscribed by over 48 million people. “Evernote for i-mode” [J, Docomo Market] is an i-mode Appli version of… Continue reading Evernote for i-mode Released For Docomo Feature Phone

Twitter Finally Adds Japanese Trending Topics

Twitter has just announced on its Japanese official blog that their trending topics is now featuring Japanese language trends. You may choose “Japan” or “Tokyo” from worldwide trends on its sidebar. Although Japan is one of the most Twitter loving nation, Twitter’s Japanese language support has been always poorer. Twitter became popular even before menu… Continue reading Twitter Finally Adds Japanese Trending Topics

Google Translate Adds “Listen” Japanese

According to the official blog, Google Translate has added a text-to-speech functionality for three new language, Arabic, Korean and Japanese. It is helpful for you to check how Japanese brands are pronounced, though you need to put proper Japanese Katakana or Hiragana there. For people who have no idea how to pronounce Mobage Town and… Continue reading Google Translate Adds “Listen” Japanese

Japanese Love Song In The Motif Of MS Excel, And Anti-Virus

“My Excel Story – watashi no kokoro no naka no kansuu(functions in my mind)” “Functions in my mind filters memories with you.” “I can find tiny memories even between 1 and 0, you taught me to take away ROUNDDOWN” “You can count by AVERAGE. ISTEXT, feel words.” c/w “Ai no Uirusu Taisaku”(Love Anti-Virus) Released November… Continue reading Japanese Love Song In The Motif Of MS Excel, And Anti-Virus

Google Japan Makes Comic Of Japanese Input Method Development

Google Japan publicized their “Google Japanese Imput Method (Beta) Comic” online, following to its paper version, which was presented to their developer’s event recently. This 42 pages comic by Yutanpo Shirane features some star developers in Google Japan. There are 8 chapters and each chapter has the following topic; Why Google developed and released its… Continue reading Google Japan Makes Comic Of Japanese Input Method Development

Twitter Bug Allows You Long Long Tweet (on browser)

[Update] The bug seems to be fixed and now Mashable and TechCrunch reported it (though they could not find the @zakuro563’s first tweet but someone’s long tweet at 3 hours later). Some Japanese Twitter users found a Twitter bug around 140-letters limitation Saturday night (local time. JST). My test reproduced it like this. By the… Continue reading Twitter Bug Allows You Long Long Tweet (on browser)

Twitter Mobile Version Now Limits 140 “Bytes” Not “letters”

Twitter API seems down and many Twitter client authors are trying to say it is not their bugs but Twitter’s glitch. Twitter official URL shortener experiment may be the cause of this trouble. At the same time, seems to accept maximum 140 bytes, which had been 140 letters. It is the same for English… Continue reading Twitter Mobile Version Now Limits 140 “Bytes” Not “letters”