Japanese Government Has To Learn Internet And Domain System

As we reported last month, Japanese government announced their new website to collect people’s voice. However, it turned out that they had thought that they would be able to take “.com” domain AFTER their announcement. Of course they could not. All possible domains both in Roman alphabets and Japanese (international domain name) were quickly occupied.… Continue reading Japanese Government Has To Learn Internet And Domain System

The World Shortest URL Shortener Using Internationalized Domain Name

Yesterday I introduced a crazy 14 letters twitter clone and how much Japanese are obsessed with smallness. And today I am amazed again. A blogger Jamadam released an interesting URL shortening service, and that is the world shortest. [Update] @miyagawa pointed out that http://tinyarro.ws/ have been making the same shortest URL, though the generator URL… Continue reading The World Shortest URL Shortener Using Internationalized Domain Name