The President Of Japan Liberal Democratic Party(LDP) Begins Twitter

Sadakazu Tanigaki (official site) [J], the president of Liberal Democratic Party(LDP), which is a political party who had dominated Japanese politics for half an century since the mid-1950s and got debacle at last national election against Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), started Twitter (@Tanigaki_S), with taking back his former remarks that he would never use… Continue reading The President Of Japan Liberal Democratic Party(LDP) Begins Twitter

Election Campaigning On The Net: When Does Law Catch Up With Social Trends?

Prior to the general election scheduled at the end of this month, Rakuten publicized a letter from Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party(LDP) and the opposition Democratic Party of Japan(DPJ) in response to the question by 60 Japanese business leaders including Rakuten’s CEO Hiroshi Mikitani. The leaders asked both parties about their policies on six subjects… Continue reading Election Campaigning On The Net: When Does Law Catch Up With Social Trends?

Two Parties Start Cyber Negative Campaigning For Upcoming Election

On Tuesday, Japanese prime minister Taro Aso[J] dissolved the lower house of parliament for the upcoming general election which is set for August 30th.   Representative candidates are forced to fight against their competitors and to appeal their policies to potential voters under the shining summer sun. All political parties are now more aggressive than ever… Continue reading Two Parties Start Cyber Negative Campaigning For Upcoming Election

Democratic Party Opens Social Network For Tokyo Citizens

Japan’ opposition Democratic Party (DPJ) Tokyo branch has launched a new website “Tokyo Life”. Tokyo Life has two main sub-sites. One is “Tokyopedia” which is a wiki about topics around Tokyo metropolitan assembly and local administrative information. The tool used for the Wiki part is MediaWiki. It is said that the wiki editors are young… Continue reading Democratic Party Opens Social Network For Tokyo Citizens